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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 226

Description: On the LineGirls tennis team wins Sectional championshipin turnaround year ~by Andrew RemakWhile struggling in the lastfew years to defeat North, thePanthers handled the Cougarswith ease, beating them 5-0twice during the season.Theres always a lot of hypeabout the North and Southmatch, and the juniors andseniors wanted to get revenge,and it was nice when we did,sophomore Laura Quilter said.Showing respect for herteam, opponents and coaches,junior Jillian Richards set thestage for the other girls tofollow.I just wanted to be kindand helpful to everyonebecause if everyone getsalong, that just makes us abetter team, Richards said.As a playoff of the sayingBen Mason (said bynumerous students), the girlsmade up their own saying ofJ. Verma, short for seniorJuhi Verma.The J.Verma saying waskind of the tennis teamsinside joke. Meredith Holmesmade it up one day, and we allstarted laughing and saying itafter that, junior Leigh-AnnFullerton said.Every girl sported a thickand long colored rubber bandaround their head and didtheir cheer Um Gowa beforematches.Our cheer was so personal,and it make us stand out atmatches and pumped us up,junior Sarah Shelden said.On the way to their first-round Regional match againstGreenwood, the team dancedand sang to the song No MesAmes by Jennifer Lopez toloosen themselves up.We all didnt want to be sotense and nervous before thebiggest match of the season,so we made ourselves laughand relax, junior GretchenFisher said.When the team playedBedford, it wasnt just theteams competing, it was thecoaches, too. Coach KristinSpencers husband, Rob, hasbeen the longtime coach atBedford, who has gotten thebest of his wife in the previousyears.It meant a lot to us to beatBedford because that sayssomething about our teamwhen were the first Southteam to beat them in recentyears, freshman Megan Casadsaid.Waiting to pounce on her opponents return, juniorSarah Shelden stands at the net versus Terre HauteSouth. Shelden, and her partner, junior Sarabeth Ratliff,played half the season at two doubles.Brett White9PMatt VlasmanSteHoMawoAdd it upBrown County: 5-0 WBedford North Lawrence: 4-Columbus North: 4-1 WTerre Haute South: 5-0 LColumbus East: 5-0 WMartinsville: 5-0 WFranklin Central: 3-2 WPerry Meridian: 5-0 LSouthport: 3-2 WEdgewood: 5-0 WProvidence: 3-2 L1 WBloomington North: 5-0 WCenter Grove: 3-2 LTerre Haute North: 4-1 WBloomington North (Sectional): 5-0 WMartinsville (Sectional): 4-1 WBedford North Lawrence (Sectional): 3-Greenwood (Regional): 4-1 L2 W= 13-5The Big GameThe Setup:Versus Bedford, Sectional championship onSaturday, May 20 at Bloomington North courts.The Hype:The Panthers had beaten the Stars earlier in theseason 4-1 and were trying to capture their firstSectional crown in many years.The Unraveling:Number two doubles (freshman Megan Casadand sophomore Laura Quilter) won in a hurrywhile one doubles (juniors Emily Ellsworth andLei,Gnlos:Ric2-2thefirsiherin aTh,hSosi.226 Gothic • may june 2000
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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