Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1976, Page 46

Description: 7G Pompettes win awardsand keep the spirit aliveThe Pompettes were kept busy thisyear baking cookies, decoratinglocker rooms, creating routines, planning pep sessions, and raising spirit.Under the leadership of captainNancy Olcott, the 36-girl squadattended a summer camp at BallState. Nine girls received superior ratings while the group as a wholeplaced first in both marching andpom-pon competition.Summer activities included a performance at the North-South Ail-Starfootball game and competition at theIndiana State Fair. The group workedhard to raise money to buy new uniforms and feed the athletic teams.Mrs. Wendy Lynch and Mrs.Edwynna Nolan sponsored the groupas they performed at all home football and basketball games. They alsomarched in the Persimmon Paradeand put on shows with the band.The finale of the year was the senior routine at the last home basketballgame, where 18 girls finished theiryears as BHSS Pompettes. CarlaNolan, Judy Stewart, and KatrinaWeimer became the first girls to befour-year Pompettes at South.LEFT PAGE. TOP: Julie Davis and SusanHunter rock around the clock. MIDDLELEFT: Captain Nancy Olcott shows satisfaction after a half-time performance. MIDDLERIGHT: 1976 senior Pompettes show theirtogetherness. BOTTOM: Pompettes help insinging the school song at a home basketballgame. RIGHT PAGE. TOP: POMPETTES.FIRST ROW: Betsy Reed, Debbie Baugh,Susan Hunter, Liz Wyman, captain NancyOlcott, co-captain Julie Brown, Kathy Rose,Kathy Sater, Joni Coster, Julie Davis. SECOND ROW: Debbie Heath, Dee Dee Dunn,Marsha Dunfee, Claudia Green, Jill Abram,Katrina Weimer, Carla Nolan, Kim Hoke, Lin-nie Swango, Cheryl Hill, Lissa Manlove.THIRD ROW: Teresa Wikle, Judy Stewart, LizLukas, Esther Pettiford, Cassandra Russell,Jenny Young, Susan Nonweiler, NadineDoty, Tammy Martin, Jennifer Rogers, NancyNonweiler, Kathy Barnes, Lisa Littrell, LoriPrior.46 Pompettes
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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