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Responses from John Thomas, Andrew Herringby Pete Hall Shannon Smith and Ally PfrommerWhat are the differences between highschool and middle school?AP: There are a lot more people and itsmuch bigger. I have met a lot more peoplehere than I did in middle school.SS: In high school you are expected to domore and have more responsibilities, andin middle school, you arent asked to doas much.JT: Yeah, theres a lot more people, also,one of the main differences is how littleattention you get compared to middleschool. In middle school when you are aneighth grader, you think you are thecoolest, but when you arrive into highschool you soon realize that no one careshow good you think you are or anythinglike that. In middle school, I knew all thepeople, and I felt like I was friends withjust about everyone. Now, I dont evenknow all the people in my classes, whichis kind of hard to get used to.Do you like high school more thanmiddle school?AH: I like it more. There are more peopleand more opportunities to do things. Youhave a lot more freedom, and people aregenerally a lot more mature than they arein middle school.SS: I think high school is better most ofthe time. You meet so many new people,and have so many more friends, and yourparents give you a little more freedom. Iliked middle school more when it comesto academics and homework because itwas easier.JT: I personally enjoyed middle schoolmore because there arent as many peopleand you receive more attention. I have aBrett Whitefeeling, though, that in a couple of years Iwill think that high school is more fun.AP: I like high school more becausetheres a bigger variety of things to do andget involved with, and its just so muchmore fun.What are your favorite and leastfavorite things about high school?JT: My favorite thing has got to be thefreedom you are issued. At South I feellike when you make a decision you arerespected for what you think and what youdo, and no one is trying to force you intoanything you dont want to do. Everyone atSouth seems to be very understanding,and I appreciate that. My least favoritething about South is being a freshman,but I think it willbe more fun to bean upperclassman.AP: My favoritething is probablymeeting all thepeople and just thefact that I am outof middle school.My least is myclasses. Some ofthem are reallyhard, but I havegotten throughthem all right. Ialso dont like thefact that now mygrades count, and Ihave to work evenharder than I did inmiddle school.AH: My mostfavorite thing is just the wholeexperience, and my least is that I dontget to see as many of my friends as I didin middle school.SS: Since I went to Jackson Creek lastyear, and we only had three minutepassing periods, my favorite thing abouthigh school is the six minute passingperiods. Its a lot more convenient, andnobody is running through the school. Myleast favorite thing would have to be thatI am part of the youngest class in theschool right now. Its a lot different fromlast year because we were at the top ofthe school and everyone looked up to you.I guess its not that bad. The only thingthats kind of depressing is seeing yourolder friends drive.Pan-PorDaniela PanigadaTommy PalmerTeryn PappAmy ParkerMorgan ParkerMegan ParmenterStephanie PartridgeJessica PateKari PattersonMatthew PeckJay PedroElizabeth PerryJameson PetermichelChad PetersonChase PetersonChristopher PeteschAlly PfrommerMelissa PhelpsEvie PhillipsCourtney PickettStephanie PorterFreshmen 137 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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