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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2002, Page 236

Description: JhankouclaiPGbapujfeGEven though you were a latecomer,you jumped rightin and began workingas though you had been on staff fortrimesters. Whenever we asked youto do something, you did so willingly.Thanks for all the work you did typingin senior names and writing stories.Were glad youre coming back!Its no wonder you won most improvedand best photographer, because itwasalways you that was at any event thatno one else could make it to andconsistently came back with qualityphotos. Thanks for your pictures of thefaculty and senior survey winners. Itwas a huge relief to know that youwere always there if we needed you.We have worked together for twoyears, and over time Ive seen bothyou and Melissa in all states of mind.No matter what mood, funk, or slap-happy stage we were in, I knew thatyou and Melissa were in this with mefor the long haul. Even now, as weproof this page is the middle of oursummer, you look for perfection in thisbook. Thanks for making a perfect bookand editor. I will miss you both. -Duemapqellen moolainWhat the Most Helpful and BestProofer awards you received at thebanquet didnttell was how reliable andskillful a photographer you were. Thebook would be in serious trouble withoutall your great shots of everything fromstudents at their jobs to freshmenPanther Planners. We are also gratefulfor the work you did with typing namesin the index and name checking. Thankyou for your dedication and for alwaysmaking the classroom more fun.Despite your spectacular work gettingevery headshot imaginable and taking: 1000 close-up pictures, what well[ always remember about you is howyou could eat salsa like nobodysbusiness. Ok, so well remember morethan that. Well remember how youwere the funniest guy on staff (with apin to prove it) and how we couldalways count on you. Youre a trulytalented photog and a greatguy. Thanks!kimuafenkawpattepsonBreathed life into the Senior Survey.Got slammed with sports spreads butcame through. Needed breaks but knewhow to have fun. This is Laura. Wereally enjoyed having you on staff. Youalways found a way to calm Due downand keep things lively and movingforward. We really appreciate that andall of the things you did for the book.Really, you were an absolutelypriceless member of ourteam. Thanksfor everything!Were sorry you didnt alwaysknow how much you wereappreciated, but we truly couldnot have done it without you.I Your commitment wasextraordinary, and your smilingface was like a little beacon oflight in the comer of the yearbookroom. Thank you so much forall you did for us this year. Youshould be proud. We love you!I never understood that the joy and painof my job is linked to the editors of thebook. You made me realize that a goodeditor brings joy, laughter, spontaneity,and creativity to a hard job. Even asold/young as I am, you taught me aboutbeing a good adviser and person. Youtwo are the most perfect editors ever.Youll make a fine journalist -Duei aThere are few people in the world whoare as sincerely friendly and happy asyou are. Itwas impossible to be in abad mood whenever you filled the roomwith that laugh of yours. You contributedimmeasurably to a great Sports sectionand were a huge help with the seniorsurvey. We cant stress enough howmuch fun it was to work with you!Congrats again to the CubReporter! We know if s hard tobe a first-year staff member,I especially if you have to dealwith Album-us-out, but you didreally well. Your best qualitywhen it came to yearbook wascalling people to getquotes, andwe really loved that! Thank you!inspiration236 GOTHIC* reflections^
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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