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Carmen ShannonBrett ShepleyLandon ShepperdChristopher SherrillAnna ShipleyShawntae ShipleyAngela SholdersIsaac SimonelliSara SimpsonWesley SinnMatthew SkinnerKirstin SmithChad SouthernGregory SouthernJana SouthernAmanda SowdersKevin SparksColine SperlingCodv StaggsKyle StancombeEileen StaufferDesmond StephensJeremv StephensTyler StephensHannah StephensonCrvstal StevensKelli StevensonChristie StierwaltKavla StockertSarah StoweSharada SubramanianAimee TaylorLiza TeareJeffrey TitusLindsey ToddCOCOAt school, its wrong! Not everyone wantsto see people making out while they arewalking down the hallway. Especially thepeople who are all over each otherconstantly! Some of the couples takethings too far. Holding hands and such isokay, but cmon! Dont be all over eachother at school!-Chloie Favinger-I dont mind H when couples areaffectionate, but I dont want to seecouples making out in the halls.Its one thing to hold hands, butanother to make a scene in thehalls.-Kate Middleton-e kissingeach others necks and other nasty stuff,the rules need to be enforced. No one wantsto see that!-Leah Forss-Freshmen ThoKovach and JulioFranks casuaembrace each ofafter school.168 GOTHIC • reflections |
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Bloomington High School South |
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