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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 222

Description: EARNING YOUR TRUST SINCE 1913)p# ■ 0 by AbbyHensonsuper powersDAYMORTUARY2701 E. Third St.812-336-6331Walter L. HatfieldGary M. ArvinWilliam H. AppleRyan GossSecretary-Jane ChafinJerry EllenwoodDave R. JarrettFENCINGMMMMMt MSUSTMMii-ncingKflSIDI-NHAL - 1NDUS1KIAI.LttJrl.B —j-GUARDRAIL - HANDRAILTO SSunset t^# 9inc6 Co.FENCING SUPPLIES1440 W. Bloomfield RoadBLOOMINGTON, INDIANA 47403Office OwnerX12-332-2547 Rhoten Sowdcr724 E. ThorntBloomington,M<\^luUUwm—m1 N CO R P O R A 1f E DLight IndustrialCommercialResidentialOver 50 Years of Serviceon Drive (812) 339-9769In 47403 FAX (812) 339-98124 Q Id be psychic so I could finally find out whatis on girls minds, junior ben WHITEII Id be the lady from Bewitched so I couldget things done quickly, and I could enjoy thethings I want to take time doing, juniorkindraKING0 I would be able to fly so I could sleep inlonger and not have to worry about being latesomewhere because of traffic, seniorjamieSCISCOEy I would have magical powers, just so I couldfreak people out. sophomore davidKINTGENg I would want the power to read mindsbecause there are some people that I wouldlike to know what exactly they are thinking,senior lisaSCHROEDERg I would have x-ray vision so I could seethrough peoples clothes, freshman maxLITWIN4 I would have the power to fast forwardthrough all of the boring parts of life andrewind to be able to do things over again,senior meghanMOONEY*j I would have the ability to disappear andbecome invisible whenever I wanted to, justfor the fun of it. sophomore wesDAY2 Id be able to jump thousands of feet high sothat I could have that feeling of fallingwhenever I wanted, freshman christinaWARNER^ I would be magic so I could have it all.sophomore coryREEVESSpread Design bvr222j advertisementsJessa Stager
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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