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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 138

Description: Him-JesacoralineI^fikCoraline Haitjema juggles the stress of beingStudent Council president, a member of the tennisteam and a top student, by Jessa StagerJS: What do you consider uniqueor different about yourself?CH: The amount of stress I haveover stupid things.JS: How do you deal with stress?CH: I go running and workout. Italk about what Im going to do alot with my mom. Im constantlythinking about what Im going todo. If its Monday, Im thinkingabout what I have to do afterschool on Tuesday ...JS: What have you learned frombeing Student Council president?CH: [Ive learned] how to organizeand plan ahead and definitelyresponsibility. Ive also learnedthat a group of people can come upwith amazing ideas and solutionsthat you could never come up withon your own.JS: What are your plans for thenear future?CH: Right after graduation Imgoing to Europe for a month. Ill begoing to IU, and Ill try to graduatein three years. Hopefullyafterwards Ill live in Europe for ayear, [in] France and Amsterdam.JS: What are your goals in life?CH: I want to be an environmentallawyer, probably. I want to besuccessful and happy in whatever Ido, and I want a balanced life.DanHirons Marcie Hitchcox Jocelyn Holden Mitch HollandLisa HollerJon HolmesAmanda Horvath Adam Hosey Mariann Hosier Amy Houshour Alyssa Houze Mark HowardNate HullMelissa IsomSteve IsomWaylon James Evajaworowski Sarah JesseeSpread Design bv[138J albumJessee Hahn and Chantel Karch
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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