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Bous Tennis TeamBURIESOPPONENTSby Pete Hall Finishing the Season 20-3by \teHUMBEBSUs Them5 Northview 04 Southport 13 Pern Meridian 25 Sevmour 05 Greensburg 05 Edgewood 01 Center Grove 45 Bedford 03 Columbus East 25 Bloomington North 00 Park Tudor 53 CI: lawrence Central 25 CI: Decatur Central 03 CI: Pern- Meridian 25 Columbus North 03 Plainfield 25 Martinsville 03 Mooresville 25 Sectional: Edgewood 05 Sectional: BHSN 04 Sectional: Mooresville 13 Regional: Perry Meridian 22 Regional: Center Grove 3winnersThe boys won the ConferenceIndiana Tournament over DecaturCentral, Perry Meridian and ninth-ranked Lawrence Central, with theteam winning decisive matchesagainst Perry Meridian andLawrence Central.Everybody won when theirmatches were on the line,sophomore Andrew Remak said. dominanceOf the teams 20 wins, 11 ofthem were 5-0 victories, and threeof them were 4-1 victories.It was great. We had funbeating everyone with ease,senior Matt Osgood said. tossin saladsThe boys beat North 5-0 twiceduring the year, first during theregular season and then duringSectional.Its just a match we all comein ready for because its ourcrosstown rivals, and we want todo good against them and win,sophomore Neal Gwin said. tough opponentsThe team only lost threematches, all to top five teams:Center Grove twice and ParkTudor once.Those were the teams thatwere supposed to beat us, so wewent out there with nothing tolose, sophomore Jeff Carter said. moving upThe teams highest rankingwas 13th during the season. It wasthe best ranking in 10 years.It was a good thing to beranked 13th, but we really shouldhave been in the top 10.1 wasdisappointed with that, seniorRavi Soni said. cleaning houseThe team won 14 out of their 15matches in Sectional play, winning5-0 over Edgewood andBloomington North, and 4-1 overMooresville.We wanted to stay focused asmuch as possible during Sectionaland send a message to ouropponents that we werent there tomess around, senior AnshuKalhan said.BoysTennis(20-3)Front Row: Chris Carter, Neal Gwin, DavidBalaban, Jeff Carter, Andrew Remak. Back Row:Anshu Kalhan. Matt Osgood. Ravi Soni.\f « Spread Design byf74l sports\ ^Jordan Garner & Anshu Kalhan$ • m $Senior AnshuKalhan follows through ona forehand during a matchagainst Plainfield. Kalhanplayed a close match against18th-ranked Southport.sophomore Andrew Remakslams a serve. Remak wonin three sets to help theteam in their 4-1 victory.JUSTIN BANKS |
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Bloomington High School South |
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