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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 195

Description: NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYPhoto Courtesy of Cameo ColorFront Row: Doug Miller, Patrick Jessee, Emily Ellsworth, Jacqueline Ryan, Sarabeth Ratliff, KendallWeger, Amy Watkins, Lauren Demming, Anneliese Van Arsdale, Charlotte Schroeder, Andrew Gilbert.Second Row: Jordan Tabereaux, Stephanie Benjamin, Jaclyn Renneisen, Sarah Hall, AlojzyaSavage, Emily Moran, Jean Martin, Peter Henrich, Parker Collins. Third Row: Bethany Quails,Peter Augenburgs, Susan Hall, Rebecca Shakespeare, Russell Duhon, Kate Lessig, Randall Sundt,William Chang, Michael Conway. Fourth Row: Sunny Schaeuble, Sarah Sheldon, Evan Sherfick,John Laughlin, Aeron Taylor, Amanda Schick, Natalie Katz, Ruthie Willsie, Talia Fehrenbach, MikeMuehling, Jeremy Stewart Back Row: Bruce Saulter, Nic Jones, Ashley Kinserhelping handNHSpmvides service and entertainmentThe National Honor Society (NHS) continued to sponsor manyactivities during the school year, including the Spring Fling Dance andthe Blood Drive. The Spring Fling Dance was a new addition to annualNHS activities and was held on Friday, March 2.The dance was a lot of fun for everyone. A lot of people thoughtthat the DJ was cool, and I personally had a good time there, seniorAndrew Gilbert, Tutorial Chairman of NHS, said.Less than a week after the dance was held, the annual Blood Drivetook place. The goal was to receive 90 student donations, but only 60were received.I think the Blood Drive was a success overall, though. Wheneveryou have a substantial amount of people participate in something likethat you cant fail. I hope that in the future more and more peopledecide to donate, senior Giff Reed, NHS President, said.In the late spring, the NHS initiated new members who will betaking over for the coming year and will no doubt continue thelongstanding tradition of the National Honor Society.-Story by Jeff CarterTrying to relax, senior SamParsons patiently waits with hisstraw hat during the blooddrive. Many students donatedblood to help others in need.Seniors John Laughlin andSusan Hall move to the musicinside an intertube at the SpringFling dance. The dance was heldto support NHS.Charlotte SchroederCelebrating theircrowning, seniors Chris Tarsiand Jean Martin share adance together at the SpringFling. The dance was held inthe White Gym.Charlotte SchroederTlafcen&C iVo^o^ So&ie&± -fe-afme>195
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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