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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 70

Description: (Right) Sophomore LaraRemak advances the ballup the field while lookingahead in a game versusEvansville Harrison assophomore Sarah Gatesand freshman El lieTresslar give support.Remak played defensemost of the year but wasbrought up to the frontfor her scoring ability.(Left) Preparing forLawrence Central, thegirls team takes a jogaround the field. Theteam jog was meant toloosen up the girls andbring them togetherbefore the game.Brett WhiteCourtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Emily Wozniak, Ashley Hawkins, Kara Chapin, Stephanie Rohl, Lara Remak, Lindsey Enoch.Second Row: Cari Thatcher, Courtney Layman, Ellie Tresslar, Jessica Courtney, Kelly Laughlin. BackRow: Katie Stewart, Amy Cooksey, Susan Hall, Coach Chris Sellers, Lindsay Wood, Sarah Hall, Sarah Gates.One ShiningMomentBreakdown.Wanting to prove themselves as a top 20 team, the girlswent up against the 17th ranked Columbus North Bulldogs.With sophomore Amy Cooksey out of the lineup, Coach ChrisSellers put more offensive threats up front, and it proved tobe successful. With two goals from sophomore Lara Remakand one goal each from sophomore Kelly Laughlin, senior SusanHall and freshman Kelsey Lowe, the Panthers won 5-2.Emotions... It was an awesome game for us. Up to that point we hadbeen struggling, and to beat a top 20 team that badly wasquite an accomplishment. It was also fun for me to play ascoring position to be able to put the ball in the net/ sophomoreLara Remak said.w►a.Freshman Ellie Tresslareludes a Castle defenderin a home game at KarstFarm Park. Tresslar wasthe only freshman to startfor the team.Blasting the ball upfield,senior Susan Hall hopes togain the advantageversus EvansvilleHarrison. Seniors Hall,Sarah Hall and LindsayWood and junior goalieKara Chapin were theteam captains.Sophomore Kelly Laughlinlooks for a teammate topass to during a homegame versus Castle.Laughlin was the leadingscorer for the Panthersfor the second straightyear.Brett White70Gothic :: 5J*>^m
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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