Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 137

Description: GOOD TIMESBySofieConnerWhat makes aparty cool?KEVINWHITEKILEYHALSTEADBREANDERSONA bunch of ladies,good music andplenty to drink.A large group ofpeople that arefriends in a goodatmosphere withgood music.A good group ofpeople with goodmusic.What makes aparty not so cool?A meat fest, noladies, no music, thecops show up andIm wearin sandals.When its a badgroup of people, agroup that cant getalong.A group of peopleyou dont reallylike.How often doyou party?About four nights aweek.Both nights on theweekend, at least.Much more if Icould.Whenever I can!Why is partyingessential to yoursenior year?Its your last year.Youve put up withthe schools bull forso long—its time tokick it.... it makes a lot ofmemories for you totake from your highschool experience.Partying is a goodway to bring a seniorclass together.What is your mostmemorable partyexperience?... I fell down and hitmy head. The rest ofthe night I walkedaround with a bag ofice on my head.People called myhouse the partyscene one weekend.One time I wasgoofin around at aparty over thesummer, and 1 fell ina creek.Hilary ConderMike CornthwaiteAlex CoxKevin CoxMike CoxMatt CrainMegan CreekDavid CroweIan CurryStephanie CurryJosh CutterNaomi DalglishRob DascalAshley DavidsonLacy DavisNate DavisTyler DavisShyla DeckardHarvey DelucaAlan Deluceparties 131
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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