Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 80

Description: Heads UpbyAndreaMorrisBoys soccer loses in overtime of sectional finalSThe number of games lost bythe team during the season.Our losses were a bigI disappointment because we playedI really hard every game and had areally great team. We went outevery game wanting to win and wedeserved to, senior Alex Cox said.9 Number of times the teamshut out their opponents,including an 11-0 win overDecatur Central and a shutoutagainst North in the Sectional.There were so many gameswhere the other team neverscored because we had a strongdefense that was really fast andplayed well in the backfield,junior Aaron Breeden said.IThe number of shootouts inthe second game of Sectional.Being the goalie during theshootout was really tough. If wewon it, we went on. If we lost, theseason was over. I made some goodsaves, and all my teammates madetheir crucial goals, so we won,sophomore Dewayne Smith said.6323Number of goalsscored comparedto the number ofgoals they allowed.We had both a strong defenseand offense. The offense worked; well together to score, and our\ defense had a lot of skill and werehard for our opponents to get past.We also had a great goalie whomade a lot of saves, junior WesBishir said.Katie SheehanFront Row: Danny ONeill, Adam Hosey. Jonathan Ripley, Ethan Bull, DeWayne Smith, Tom Tresslar. DavidPrall, Graham Windsor, Chris Walters. Tad Sare. Back Row: Wes Bishir, John Hickman. Keith Henderson.Tyler Steury, Diego Merino, Matt Hitzeman, Nick Baker, Aaron Breeden, Andy Bartlett, Alex Cox. Alan DeLuce.Coach Matt Riggins.OpponentVital StatisticsUs Them OpponentUs ThemBedford5 Am. m\\ Martinsville5Franklin CentrallDecatur Central11Francis Parker4Edgewood9Jeffersonville5Jasper2Washington1Bloomington North0Lawrence Central1Columbus North2Pike1Sectional-Blgtn. North1Southport3Sectional-T.H. North4Perry Meridian3Sectional-T.H. South1AvonRecord 14-5thelprepgamfansAvery Thatcher80 sports,spread aeSign by anshu kalhan and ravi soni
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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