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Avery ThatcherINotable QuotablesWhich do you prefer, Southapalooza or Talent Show?I would go to the Talent Show becausetalent is a good virtue. The Talent Showis like a celebration of everyones talent.sophomoreAnthony GabrieleI would go toSouthapaloozabecause its a more fun atmosphere.Everyone gets up and dances and has agood time.Id definitely go to Southapalooza. Alot more people go to it and they seemto have a lot of fun.By SofieConnerPoetry, Spice Girls and music highlightthe Talent Show and SouthapaloozaDressed to kill asthe Spice Girls,seniors Angi Burk,Daphne Houze,Sarah McKeen,Betsy Miller andAndrea Morris lip-synced to the bouncymusic of Wannabe.The crowd hootedand hollered as theywatched, and whenthe girls made theirexit, they received astanding ovation.The Spice Girlsmade their appearance at the NationalHonor Society TalentShow on April 14.The show beganwith a number ofsongs played by theadvanced jazz band.Next, sophomoresJessica Dreher andRachel Shiffrin lip-synced to Cakes IWill Survive.Before we wenton, we were reallynervous, but after wegot started, it wasfun, Dreher said.Senior JonathanRipley playedacoustic guitar andsang four songs, twowere written by him,and then sophomoreLevi Gray read twooriginal poems.I had written thepoems a while ago ...I thought the TalentShow would be agood place to presentthem, Gray said.Sophomores LinaMorris and MyraSwoape performed adramatic dialogueabout eating disorders and themedias effects onwomens self-esteem.Then Mr. MikeCzech, English,played his guitar andsang original andcover songs. Hededicated one of theoriginals, Friends,to the class of 1998.The Spice Girlsthen performed.The Spice Girlsact was one of themost awesome thingsIve done at South.We had so much funbefore the TalentShow putting ittogether and buyingour costumes for theact, McKeen said.A jazz combo ofseniors BobbieBurke, Andrew Diltsand Diego Merino,juniors Justin Evans,Paul Nord and TimStamps, andsophomore ZavenPapakhian ended theevening.For more entertainment, the JuniorAdvisory Boardsponsored Southapalooza on April 17.The show openedwith a technonumber by PerkinjiShift, consisting ofseniors Mike Cox andJeremy Lindeman.Juniors Nord andMatt Moore andsophomores MattBledsoe, PeterVoakes andPapakhian made upthe second band,Blue Velvet.The crowd atSouthapalooza was alot of fun; they wereall moshing andreally into it,Papakhian said.Seniors MikeJeffers, JeremyJeffers, MasonSwoape and ScottSimaton of Ribcage,then performed,followed by seniorJosh Richards andhis band, Hema-Huh.The final band ofthe evening, Fusion,consisted of seniorBrad DeStefano andjuniors Ben Boone,Dan Hirons and JoeyMackey. Senior FritzMelick made aspecial appearanceand free-style rappedwith the band.After the audiencewent home, the bandmembers packed uptheir instruments,each with their ownmemory of performing for the crowd.STUDENT LIFES LITTLE INSTRUCTIONSOn moshing:Dont wear sandals.-sophomore Jamie Johnsontalent show 23 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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