Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 14

Description: I IBy AlisonVanDerWegesf\RSSounds of South give three eveningperformances of Jesus Christ SuperstarAs the lightsdimmed in the newlyrenovatedCarmichael Hall,Sounds of Southmembers overcametheir stage fright andmade their entranceonto the stage. Theyleft their personalities behind andbecame characterssuch as Jesus Christ,Mary Magdalene,Judas or one of the12 Apostles.Sounds of Southperformed JesusChrist Superstar onNov. 13, 15 and 22for their yearlymusical. JesusChrist Superstartells the story of thepeople and events ofthe last few daysleading up to thecrucifixion of JesusChrist.Due to therenovation ofCarmichael Hall,Sounds of South onlyhad five days topractice on the stagebefore the actualperformance.It was tough. Wedid a lot ofrehearsing in our bigdance room, butbasically we justdealt with it andlearned quickly,senior KevinBroadstreet said.It took a lot moretime and focus. Wehad to take all thetime we had and useit. No messingaround, seniorRyann Dickens said.The cast membersfound Jesus ChristSuperstar difficultto perform. Theywere challenged bythe subject matter ofthe musical.It was veryprofound and dealtwith so manyemotions. Manypeople were in themob or played partsagainst Jesus, and itwas difficult for themto go against whatthey believed,sophomore DannyONeill said.It was hard forcertain people to copewith doing somethingthey didnt believe in.We had to realize itwas just aperformance,Broadstreet said.Cast members diddifferent things tounderstand theircharacter and getinto character.I read the Bibleand watched themovie Jesus ChristSuperstar. I alsowatched Jesus ofNazareth, a six-hourmovie, seniorJonathan Ripleysaid. Ripley playedthe part of JesusChrist on Nov. 13and Nov. 22.I think aboutbeing a politician andhow a politicianwould act. Then Ibring the politicianback a couplethousand years,junior Sam Souhradasaid. Souhradaplayed the part ofCaiphas all threenights.Cast members feltpositive about theoverall performanceof Jesus ChristSuperstar withinthe cast.We have done areally great job.Everyone gave 100percent, seniorLaura Bethel said.As the show cameto a close, castmembers joinedtogether for one lastsong and dance. Thecrowd gave astanding ovation toshow theirappreciation for thehard work thatSounds of South putinto the challengingmusical JesusChrist Superstar.STUDENT LIFES LITTLE INSTRUCTIONSOn makeup:Pat enough makeup on or feel thewrath of Ms. Witten!-senior Katie HersheyNotable QuotablesWhat do you think about before you hit the stage?I try to think about what my characterwould have been feeling at that pointin the story. This helps me get into theright frame of mind.seniorTyler DavisI focus on puttingmy all into my character and theshow. I think of how I can make theperformance a great one.seniorBrian FullertonI remind myself to smile, and I worryabout forgetting my words.seniorHeather Oster14 student lifespread design by ashley davidson
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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