Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1997, Page 144

Description: BESTTraditionEvery Friday allthe squads woretheir uniforms.They alsodecorated theseniors7 housesthe night beforeSenior Night.OFSeniorsLindseyCarpenterRebekahHolsingerJayme JonesAshley WoodTHEHighlightsSeveralmembers of thesquad wontrophies fromdance, cheer andchantcompetitions atcamp.Freshman EmilyPate won thejump offcompetition.BESTSPIRIT., i , i , , by Haydenvarsity cheerleaders support teams smm•What was thehighlight ofyour season?Beating BenDavis duringfootball, andNorth basketballgame.seniorAshley WoodSenior nightbrought uscloser.Sometimes wemight getaggravated, butthat brought ustogether. Its agreat way toremember theseason.seniorLindseyCarpenter•What was themostembarrassing orfunniest thingyou recallregarding yourseason?Rebekah getsdropped a lot,thats prettyembarrassing.juniorCandice BowerOne time at agame during a freethrow, I did a backhandspring and raninto a referee. Heended up pushingme down thecourt.seniorRebekah Holsinger• Were there anyspecial momentsyou had with thesquad?Riding on the busto away games. Wewould all tell storiesof our past and ofelementary andmiddle school.juniorJama FleetwoodI think it is prettyspecial to have beenpart of the lastvarsity basketballteam to play in theold South gym.seniorAshley Wood• If you could havechanged one thingabout the season,what would it be?That we couldveJohn ChambersFront Row: Candice Bower. Rebekah Holsinger. Cheryl Tincher. DaphneHouze Back Row: Jayme Jones. Ashley Wood, Kim Eads. Jama Fleetwood.Sarah McKeenhad moreenthusiasm.Sometimes itshard because thecrowdinvolvementisnt always thebest—its likecheering to abrick wall.juniorSarah McKeenThat the JV andfreshmencouldve gottenalong better.juniorJama Fleetwood•How well didyour squadwork togetherthis year?This year wasprobably thebest as far asmembers go. Wegot along, didntfight, and stayedon task. We havea lot of goodpeople that aregood at whatthey do.seniorJayme JonesWe got thefreshmen and JVinvolved a lotmore in ourcheers,especiallyduring thestarting line-up.seniorRebekah HolsingerMM uring a home gamesenior Jayme Jones talkswith the Panther as juniorDaphne Houze looks on.As well as cheering at homegames, the cheerleaderstraveled with the footballand boys basketball courtesy of Daphne Houzehile giving senior Ashley Wood a lift, the cheerleadersrally up some crowd support. The squads often made signsthat decorated the halls to suppon the teams.HouziMcKe144 sportsspread clesign by caitlin galligan
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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