Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1997, Page 93

Description: .i „»..#.-*. •-»■* ♦-*►*««*••<»i«, . ♦ -. » .. . . . ♦lfljith his racket ready, sophomore Justin Peck easilymakes a vollev. This years team was mostly underclassmen,^ith onlv one senior.W 111 flv Ii . j . ,_._._ Galligan andI^m^S^^^CC^£^B Anita Kalhan• What was themost memorablematch thisseason?The North meetbecause weslaughtered them5-0.juniorBrian FullertonI think the mostmemorablematch was thesectional finalagainstMooresville ... itwas a reallyimportant match,and we were allhoping to get thesectional win.juniorAndrew Actio• How do you feelthe team did aswhole this season?I think we had adecent year. Wepulled together andhad a lot of fun.sophomoreAnshu Kalhan• What funny orinteresting thingshappen during amatch or a practice?One time our busbroke down inMartinsville, andwe had to wait foran hour and a halffor another bus tocome. When ourbus was brokendown, some guyswere hitting ballsFront Row: Jeremiah White, Matt Osgood, Drew Grodner, Ravi Soni, DarrenKing. Second Row: Bill Laughlin. Anshu Kalhan, Jordon Garner, AndrewAcito. Nick Voakes, Peter Park, Brad Devore. Back row: Jerry Fisher, BrianFullerton, Eric Stumpner, Scott Fisher, Gene Kintgen, Justin Peck. SteveMorgan.StatisticsDont LieSCOREBOXOpponent UsSouthport 1Terre Haute North 0Greensburg 2Bedford North Lawrence 4Edgewood 5Terre Haute South 0Center Grove 0Bedford 5Columbus East 2Bloomington North 5Bloomfield 5Columbus North 2Martinsville 1Mooresville 0Sectional-BHSN 5Sectional-Mooresville 0Record 6-10Them4531055030034505against abuilding and hita car and thealarm went off.Some of the guyssprinted back tothe bus andothers acted likeit wasnt theirfault.juniorGene KintgenOne of ourplayers gotnumerouswarnings andpoint penaltieswhile he blurtedout some stuffthat wasntappropriate, butit was funny ashell.sophomoreAnshu Kalhan• What was theworst thingabout yourseason?The worst thingwas probably notmaking it pastsectional... to losein the finals (ofsectional) to thesame team webeat last yearwas tough.sophomoreRavi SoniIt is alwaysworse knowingwhen you comeback next year,not everyone willbe there, thepeople we haveplayed with foryears.juniorDrew Grodnerboys tennis 93
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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