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Big booksand smalllockersmake fortoughtimesJunior Stephen Todd works onhis trig homework during physicsclass. Many students used freetime in class to work on homework for other classes.ockers: old, blue, and too small.These contraptions are home tocrumpled, forgotten homeworkpapers, rotten lunches, and smellygym socks.Many students havecomplaints about theirlockers; they were neverbig enough and theywere always in thewrong place.Sophomore RachelRusso said, My lockeris in the vocational wingand I dont like itbecause its not near anyof my classes.Some students werelucky and were able tovisit their locker at manydifferent times duringthe day.Senior Datha Richeysaid, My locker is onthe second floor andthats the whole reason I use it. If itwas anywhere else, I wouldnt be ableto use it.Junior Isaac Zull said, I go to mylocker on the third floor seven times aday. But Zull has other problemswith his locker. It mysteriously popsopen in between classes, plus its atotal dump-it needs a little trash can init or something.Some people did not have aproblem with messy lockers becausethey only kept the bare essentials in it.Senior Kristin Helms said, Mylocker is clean because I only keep mybooks and my coat in it.Yet, even if they only kept a fewthings in their locker, some peoplewere not eager to share a locker withanother student.Junior Lucas Tate said, I dontwant to share my locker because itsspace for my junk and I dont wantIt mysteriouslypops open inbetween classes,plus its a totaldump-it needs alittle trash can!?—juniorIsaac Zullby amanda ritchieanyone elses.Others, however, did not mindsharing their locker space withfriends.Sophomore KristenYoung said, I share alocker with my friend,and I dont mind it. Thelockers are a little smallfor sharing but if yousplit it up evenly itsokay. I would not wantto be assigned to share alocker with someone Idont know, though.They would probablymake it messy and stealmy stuff.Some studentsdecorated their locker tomake it a nicer place tokeep things.Senior Caroline Baird,who visited here fromScotland, said, I putpostcards in my locker. I like to look atthe Scottish flag and pictures of myfriends and family. It reminds me ofhome.One of the most memorablemoments in a students high schoolcareer is locating and opening theirlocker for the first time.Tate said, I remember finding mylocker for the first time was a littleodd. There were too many other onesaround.However, sometimes older studentsstill have trouble opening their locker.Richey once forgot her combinationafter returning to school fromChristmas break. Richey said, I hadto go to the office and they looked upmy combination again.Though lockers seemed to be thesource of complaints and stress forstudents, it would have been hard toimagine our world without them.lockers 51 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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