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Henrv RodatzThe Citations play for a crowd ofstudents at Southapalooza. TheJunior Advisory Board sponsoredthis first ever event.On Stage atSouthapalooza:•Cipa• The Citations• Riptide• Hema-HuhOn Stage at theTalent Show:• Modern JazzQuartet•Acoustic guitar-DanDolan•The Living Snot• Acoustic guitar-Mr.Mike Czech, English•The Citations• Classical guitarduet-CharlesEisenberg &Justin Evans• Dance-JessicaHutton• Song-Kindra King•Euphony■ astruttm ourstudents shine in the spotlight atsouthapalooza and talent showby Catherine Bosinand John DvorakAs the lights dim inCarmichael Hall,students begin to feelthe butterflies in theirstomachs multiply asthey prepare to displaytheir talent.SouthapaloozaThe Junior AdvisoryBoard sponsored thefour band showcase onApril 11. The classearned over $500.The participatingbands were Cipa, TheCitations, Hema-Huhand Riptide.The members of Cipa,juniors Mark Fisher andJonathan Ripley, andfreshman ZavenPapakhian, played theiroriginal songs.Band member Ripleysaid, We werent reallyeven a band, so weformed a band becausethey (Junior AdvisoryBoard) needed anotherband to perform.The Citations,including seniors MikeDeBruicker and AndyVargo, juniors BrianFullerton and BillLaughlin, and freshmanChris Vargo, playedcrowd pleaser, Phatywritten by Laughlin.Riptide followed withsophomores Ben Boone,Dan Hirons, JohnJesseph, Dan Neumeyer,and Joey Mackey.Hema-Huh concluded the eveningsshow with seniors DanDolan and ChadNordoff, junior JoshRichards, and twoEdgewood studentsJustin Helms and CoryHunter.Talent ShowSenior NathanPodsakoff enters ontothe stage wearing atight, pink tuxedo; thissight could only meanthe beginning of theannual National HonorSociety Talent Show.The April 24 showcontained acts thatranged from dance tojazz bands.The Honor Societyearned over $300, eventhough the Talent ShowCommittee was worriedthat the show mighthave been canceled dueto a lack of studentssigning up to perform.Podsakoff said, Wewere trying to integratethe show with facultythis year, and we werelucky to have Mr. Czech(English). All the actswere glad to performand everyone had agood time; thats whatsimportant.The show consisted ofnine acts and opened upwith a jazz combo, TheModern Jazz Quintet.The members of theQuintet were juniorsBobbie Burke andAndrew Dilts,sophomores Neumeyerand Paul Nord, andfreshman Papakhian.Dilts, sax player, said,It was great. Therewere a lot of people inthe audience listening tous, which was greatbecause a lot of jazzband concerts are notthat well-attended.Another jazz combo,The Living Snot,followed with seniorDavid Stamps, Nordhoffand Dolan, Burke, andsophomore Tim Stampsand Papakhian.Then, the showcontinued with soloacoustic guitarperformances, includingsenior Dolan and Mr.Mike Czech, English,who played his versionof Eleanor Rigby bythe Beatles.In the middle of theshow, The Citations,played such songs asFight For Your Rightby the Beastie Boys andRock and Roll AllNight by Kiss.The show containedvariety, with a jazzdance performance byfreshman Jessica Huttonto Orange ColoredSky and a vocal solo byKindra King to If ILoved You.The show ended witha jazz combo, Euphony,playing an original funksong, among others,called A Gush OfEuphony written bysophomore Justin Evans.The members ofEuphony were juniorsDiego Merino and AramMarx, and sophomoresCharles Eisenberg,Evans, and Nord.Merino, the trumpetplayer of the jazz combo,said, I heard manypositive commentsabout the talent show,and it seemed likepeople were diggingwhat was happening.talent show/southapalooza 25 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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