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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1996, Page 178

Description: Beina a twin id nice ad tana ad people nealiqe thatwe one two difteAentpeople, daud Amu Kinder. Amu andBnandu KiuAen one identical twind who dhane many,dimitanitied, but have manu diyyeneuced. Same ay theindimiloAitied occur within thein inoolvment in the dchool.Bath have participated an the vaAAity pom dtyuad yor youAueaAA andeachid a memben at the NationaltManor Society.fyuAtheAmane, then each have yound time jar wank in theinbudu dcheduled. Amu id employedby jotal janandadaycane, white Brandy, id an employee ay1 Mc^banatdd.Beina a twin definitely had iti bad momentd, buttidCjOodyonthemadtpant,daidAmy. AmyhadpanUcipatedin peen tutoAina and wad a J10/S Senior. She hadaccumulated a 3.6 QPA and pland an attending 9udiana%fniverdity, where dhe will prepare yon a yutuAe caAeeA ad an Occupational ^henapidt. 91 dhe could live onipvhere in the world dke wouldlive in /exad becaude her bAother iA movina there.Bnandu Kinder daidhenaoalyon heAhiah dchool career wad, toaetiu4Jotvediu,olotaythiuaAa4^mee^m4f araded up and pAepaAina.mnA^y^a 3.78 QPA. 9n tke yalt, dhe wilt attend 9ndiana fyuuieAdity and pland an becomina a Gentilfied Public Accountant. Bnandy would tiketa-lioeinGhaAledton, South Ganalina. 9t had beautiyulweathen and kind oy1 yeelA like o dntaU tovju and o biacommented. When adkedabout what itwad like beina o ti/tin dhe replied, 7hatd hard to a4iAuten becaude 9] dont knov> what itd tike notbeina a twin. Stony J>y Moa^. flacUianQkmAuRosenberger, JacobRosenberger, AdamSajdak-Baker, SentaSanders, JesseSater, KelliSchneider, StephenSchulte, CorySepanski, AndrewShahan, ChrisSharpe, JeffreyShelton, AndrewShoemaker, ChantaySimpson, KelleySkeens, GregorySmith, BradleyG178/Album
Collection: Bloomington High School South

Further information on this record can be found at its source.