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Travis ShawAaron ShieldsAmy ShieldsMark ShieldsCammie ShoemakerJoshua SimmonsDaniel SipesJames SmithJason SmithJoshua SouthernF m in the Indiana Army NationalGaurd, after basic training andmilitary college I would like tobecome a dental assistant. I willalso be getting married in Mayand moving to Richmond to makea family.-Tanya LoyAdam Sater showsus the latest stylesfrom the Frenchrunways.pholo courtesy at Debbie Summersady w Move AheadLike most seniors, Matt Hall was mostlooking froward to graduation. After fouryears at South and A.P. classes senior year,Hall was ready to move on. He will,however, be missed at South. He was anintegral part of the boys swim team, theorchestra, track, and the National HonorSociety. Besides all of his extra currricularactiviteis and hard academic classes, Hallalso maintained his job at Act One Videoand Deli. At Act One Video and Deli,you meet a lot of interesting andcolorful people, says Hall.Mattts devotion to theathletic world will help shape hisfuture, as he plans to attend IndianaUniversity with a major in phsicaltherapy. Overall, he describes hishigh school experience as, A longfour years. story by Sara Smith174/ALBUM |
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Bloomington High School South |
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