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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1992, Page 241

Description: TAnd THATS why ImbotheringPublishing you.So write books in bunches,Write diligently,And turn them all in to your publisher, me,For only a very smallPublishing fee.So Dr. Seuss wrote.He wrote books about trees,And books about houses,And books about cheese.He wrote,And he wrote,And it soon happened thatHed written a book called The Cat in the Hat.Its for very small children,To teach them to read,So very small wordsAre the wordsThat they need.Now, the booksFor this purposeThat were here beforeWere only for lessons.No less and no more.No dancing. No juggling.No tricks and no fun.No Throm-dim-bu-lators.Oh, no! Not a one!So a book with a storyThat taught how to read —Well, that was unheard of.Completely. Indeed.But NOW if you lookOn the library shelf,You will see a whole genreSeuss started himself.There are cases and cartonsAnd packing crates fullOf these Dr. Seuss books.And not one book is dull!Theyre all filled withwordplay!With language thats fun!So children are shownThat these things can be done.And it should be,It should be,It SHOULD BE like that!Because writing is fun!Its not boring or flat.And Dr. Seuss showed usWe may and we mightFind that there is no endTo the things we can write!Oh, the things you can learn,If you know where to look!I have learnedFrom the themesIn a Dr. Seuss book.I learned from the Lorax,Who speaks for the trees,From Yurtle the Turtle,And others like these.I learned about prejudice.Self-esteem. War.Friendship. Ecology.Safety. And more!Dr. Seuss wrote aboutReading, and teaching,Hakken-krak-klacking,Zumzumming,and sneetching.And Dr. Seuss told usThat we would succeed —98 and 3/4 percentguaranteed.He meant what he said,And he said what he meant —And Im going to miss him,One hundred percent.CLOSING / 241
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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