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tHE FUTURE OF 1974 BEGANWITH THE FIRST CLASSES INSEPTEMBER. IT CONTINUEDthroughout the cold winter andopened into full blossom with thecoming of spring. This year, uniquein itself, challenged students to become individuals.In the spring the BHSS StudentCouncil, considered by most to bea defunct body, asserted itself as aworking unit for the tornado reliefproject and for student grievances.Thursday nights were reserved bymany seniors for A&W root beerdrinking contests. Stricken by acuteseniontis, the upperclassmen plaguedthe school library with a flood ofcrickets, along with a dramatic gunfight. and an attempted bike raceon the balcony.TOP: Students in an afternoon French classpause from classroom speaking. BOTTOMLEFT: The senior car, driven by Joe Bad(Ian Patton), cruises through campus.BOTTOM RIGHT: Jim Riggins displays thekeep on trucking senior t-shirt.198 Closing |
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Bloomington High School South |
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