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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1991, Page 211

Description: All One PeopleUnique humans bring social diversity;we share a common space ship — earthAcross the nation and across the globe, people possess their ownuniqueness which is distinguished by their culture, language, and eventheir own indivdual personalities. Through all this diversity it is important torecognize that we all have some major things in common.We all live on the same planet — earth. We are all human beings with ourown feelings, beliefs, cares and emotions. We all eat, sleep and breath. Weall share a common existance and we are all here to experience thismysterious thing called life.Although it is important to gain a sense of self and a sense of who you areand where you are going, just remember you wouldnt be anywhere withoutthe help of others. During times of oppression or times of celebration thereis no doubt that people need people. As the BHS South motto says,together we prepare for tomorrow/ For us this theme begins at the highschool level, it, however, applies to the universe.As we travel though life, be careful not to go along with the crowd justbecause it is the in thing to do or it is a popular fad of the moment. Asindividuals we can make our distinctive contribution to the quality of life onthis planet earth. We can help our fellow man make a better world forourselves and our own children.By working together we can achieve greater things. Each unique individual adds to the whole group, whether it is our high school, a city, state,nation or the world. At all levels it is essential to strive to work together for asafe and prosperous world for ALL ONE PEOPLE.At the end of the school year, whenall is said and done, we are still AllOne People.Pictured on page one: At Bloomington South, cultural diversity brings ustogether to make us All One People . Illustrating this idea are: J PLat-ter, Steve Webb, Chad Geringer, MikeNeely, James Kennedy, Jean SpringRain, Jennifer nordloh, Ezequie Alvarez, Jung Kwak, Lori Velasquez, OmarAlani, Zandra Boyd, Aase Anderson,Carmelita Cyrus, Billy Sabbagh, HollyBell, nawal Kaloti, Elizabeth Zirker,Molly Gubar, Mike Haddawi, Mike Gutierrez, Carrie Holschuh, and AmandaJones.• • .we can makeour distinctivecontribution tothe quality of lifeon this planetearth. We canhelp our fellowman make a better world for our*selves. Eachunique individualadds to the wholegroup, whether itis our highschool, a city,state, nation orthe world.CLOSinG/211
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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