Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1991, Page 36

Description: MHealth and safety, a required one-semestercourse at South, taught students about anatomy, personal hygiene, mentalhealth, and drug and alcohol abuse last year.Our goal is not to tell thekids what to do; saidteacher Chris Byers, wewant to educate the kidsand let them make theirown decisions. Throughout the year, guest speakers provided information tohealth students. The speakers included a state policeofficer, an AIDS patient, arepresentative fromPlanned Parenthood, andmembers from the Southstudent group STAND.I hope what we teachgives the students someONconfidence in themselves,because that is one of ourultimate goals, Byers said.If the students feel goodabout themselves, thenthey will respect other people also.Four times a year,Americans throwaway enough aluminum to rebuild thecommercial airfleet.John Brown looks up the nutritional value of a pencil in hishealth book.John Hoole spikes the volleyballpast P.E. teacher Larry Williams asBrian Crohn looks on.So many cameras, so littletime, thinks Tricia Campbell.36/ACADEMICS
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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