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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1991, Page 2

Description: All one people, all one worldThis planet earth is a fragile spaceship in a vast andendless universe — we areall one world.No matter what our skincolor, light or dark, no matter what our beliefs, Christian, Jew, Islam, or atheist,we are all passengers onthis spaceship earth. Weare, whether we like it ornot, All One People.As we enter this new decade, and approach a newcentury we have aquired anew realization that it takesall of us or none of us tomake this world work. Although we know this to betrue, there are still timeswhen disagreements get inthe way of undersatnding.There will always be conflicts between nations,groups of people, and evenfriends, but it is how wehandle these conflicts thatmatters.Facing problems headon, understanding the coreof the problem and thendealing with that problem ina civilized manner is anideal. Compromises are often necessary, becausethey provide a solutionwhere neither side loses. Inthis way a sense of togetherness can be achieved instead of placing groupsabove one another. However, when compromise cannot be achieved or problems are not dealt withrationally, a situation ariseswhere violence seems to bethe only solution.On January 16,1991 warbroke out in the MiddleEast. We dont always understand reasons for war.When we turn to war to resolve our conflicts, we risklosing sight of our goal tomake this world work together. Each country makesdecisions about which sideto support. Thousands ofmen and women are sent tofight battles which we hopewill solve the problem.But while the world is being torn apart by war, individuals of each nationshould be joining togetherin a unified supporting effort. We must first becomeaware of our national oneness and then we can try toaccept our universal oneness. In times of war it iseasy to forget that althoughwe are citizens of differentcountries, we are also allcitizens of one Earth. We allshare the future of this plan-WM\Tiffany Gray shares her Spanishbook with Pete Schepper, eventhough he already has his own.Come on, Bozl Gimme a P! Mr.Marsh hopes his dog will helpdrum up spirit for begins to questionthe actuality of a futurewhen one takes into account the numerous environmental injustices committed against our planetEarth. Everyday we hearstories of the depletingrainforests, toxic wastedumps, global warming,and senseless crimes committed against animals, allfor our own personal gain.Luckily, there are thingsthat can and are being doneto remedy this situation.Recycling efforts all acrossthe country have been implemented. People havefound ways to avoid wastingenergy and petroleum. Wehave realized the need tokeep our planet healthy.What each of us as individuals can remember isthat ultimately we need tolearn to live together in harmony with other nationsand Mother Earth. We needto accept one anothers differences and find a way tolive peacfully with those differences. We need to find away to live on this earthwithout destroying the verything that gives us life. If wetake care of our earth, ourearth will take care of us.We have ignored ourplanet and each other toolong. Lets leam to live together as All One People.2 / OPENING
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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