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South receives a shot in the armjIt feels just like a mosquito bite, was heard overand over as students wereprepared for the measles immunization shot. Even so,people were sobbing andshaking with fear as theystood in line. Finally, thedreaded moment arrived.Rubbing alcohol was daubedon — a jab of pain shot intothe arm — and then it wasover. Some students grimaced at the discomfort; others laughed with relief. Principal Ron Furniss was heardsaying through clenchedteeth, That was one healthymosquito!The outbreak of measlesbegan at I.U., where a student contracted the infection. Then it spread to hisbrother, Alex Burke, a student at South. They (theState Board of Health) werevery concerned about it becoming an epidemic,Furniss said.Measles is so contagious itcan easily become an epidemic. In the early stages, itcauses flu-like symptoms,according to Norma Roper,coordinator of health services for the MCCSC. Ourmain concern is the secondary problems you get withmeasles, Roper said. Theseproblems include blindness,deafness,, and encephalitis(an inflammation of thebrain). Measles is often fatal.The situation at South remained under control. Officials from the State Board ofHealth spent a day givingvaccinations with jet guns.The jet guns which used hydraulic pressure to force thevaccine through the skinwere considered faster andmore hygienic than syringes.Although some studentswere diagnosed with measles,no signs of the diseaseshowed up in their bloodtests. Those students whowere unable to receive measles shots, because of conflicting medication or pregnancy, had an excusedabsence until the danger wasover.Some students couldnt handle themeasles shots, but youd expectmore from a man.Oh good, its almost over, thinksShelly Fleetwood with a shaky smile.Here it is, the machine of terror. Itstruck fear in the hearts of many onthe day of the vaccination.22 / STUDENT LIFE |
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Bloomington High School South |
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