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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1988, Page 180

Description: South band hasgreat season.Panther Regimentsdirector, Robert Dubinski,said he felt this years seasonwas great. In his second yearas band director at South, theseason was much moreorganized this year than itwas last year.The Band Boosters raisedenough money to buy newuniforms this year. They werealso able to provide fundsneeded for the Regiment tocompete in eight contestsduring the course of sixweeks. In these eightcontests, the Regiment facedthirty eight bands, defeatingall but six of them.The Regiments theme thisyear was Pictures of Spain,featuring Latin jazz music.The tempo was fast and theresult was an exciting show,said Dubinski.Mr. Dubinski felt that RogerBacon, McClean County, andLebanon were specialperformances. The show atLebanon was done in the rain.This increased the difficulty ofmarching manuverability,music playing, and equipmenthandling. Despite all of this,the Regiment still placed first.Missy Staum, colorguardcaptain, said, I feel this yearwas an improvement overall.We performed well at thecontests, but I hope the bandhas even better performancesand scores at next yearscontests. I enjoyed thisseason and will miss thespecial feelings I have gottenover the past five years as aband member.Marching band takes a lotof time and a lot of pressureis placed on the members todo well at contests. Besidesattending rehearsal six hoursa week, they go to contestsevery weekend. On top of allthat, they must keep up withtheir schoolwork which is apretty big task. However, westill manage to constantlyimprove and are able to comeoff the field with a sense ofaccomplishment.^Playing in the rain. Even in adownpour, Nicki Dewar,Anette Allgood and Lori Wisecan work up enough Pantherspirit to support our footballteam.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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