Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1987, Page 190

Description: Secretaries: Front row: EdithWhite, Karen Robbins, LoisStephens, Kathy Fish, Ina Todd,Connie Hall, Patti Johnson.Maintenance Crew: Front row:Joann Delph, Karen Melton,Back row: Robert Hazel, EricMay, Mark Freeman, Gib Delph,John Oakley, Brad Jones, KathyParks, May Austin.Staffs help studentsHundreds of mouths to feed,square feet of floor to sweep,light bulbs to change and lettersto type. These vital tasks areperformed on a day to day basisby members of the service staff.Students, teachers and administrators are kept onschedule by the secretaries.Kept busy answering thetelephone and providing information to parents, they see thatthe minute details of running amodern high school complexare handled.The mechanics of keeping theschool building in order andfunctioning are handled bymembers of the maintenancecrew. During the summer months they take advantage of thevacant building, cleaning andrepairing from top to bottom.During the school year, thecafeteria staff prepares dailylunches for students and staffalike. Changes in the menusprovided additional choices forcustomers during the schoolyear.Additonal Treats for lunch areprepared by Barbara Hall,Blueberry muffins are a realfavorite.190 Service Staffs
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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