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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1985, Page 185

Description: TOLLIVER, Penny; Lisa Trinkle;Jan Turner; Shirley Turpin;Angie Tuttle; Kathie Uland; RobUnderwood; RobbieUnderwood.VANOSDOL, Julie; Rob Velasco;Rob Voyles; Joe Vrydaghs;Rachel Wailes; Carol Walker;Renee Walls; Lorna Waterford.WATSON, Bill; Karen Watson;Charlie Webb; Monica Webb;Sheryl Weddle; Eric Weisstein;Chris Welsh; James Werner.WHEELER, Jennifer; AnthonyWhitlow; Sherry Wicker; JasonWilber; Ann Wilke; StaceeWilliams; Ramona Willoughby;Greg Wilson.During a few short moments in Mr.Enrights health class, sophomoreDana Bounds turns to a friend to talkabout things in everyday life. Its notoften that students find time duringclass just to chat.WILSON, Jimmy; Peter Withnell;Jeffrey Wood; Dawn Woodard;David Wrenn; Yvette Yeagley.YORK, Tammy; Kevin Young;Russ Young; Stephanie Zager;Lyndora Zink; Stephanie Zuzzio.Sophomores 185I
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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