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Both in and out of class, an abundance of activities were available toBHS South students. Some served aspreparation for their future vocations,while others were outlets for civicminded energy or just plain enjoyment.Student Council, under the directionof President Chris Brinegar, delved intothe difficult task of trying to overcomeapathy, both within the council and thestudent body. A major accomplishmentearly in the spring was their involvmentwith orientation programs conducted atarea middle schools for incoming freshmen.Mr. Joel Marsh with the assistance ofGeorge Muiller, an Indiana Universitygraduate student, provided leadershipfor the Debate Team. From a class offourteen, there were ten active participants, classified either as Varsity ornovices. The first semester of activityincluded seven regular meets before theRegional meet at Kokomo Hayworth.South varsity debators Connie Turnerand Martha Long, along with KenYasuda and Dan Jackson, made itthrough the evening rounds at Kokomo,but were eliminated in the morninground. Thus, they finished the seasonwith an overall ranking of 18th in thestate in terms of wins and losses, out ofover 100 competing high school teams.Cadet teaching involved not onlyfuture teachers, but also those withother interests in working with children.Instead of a regular first period, seniorparticipants spent time at variousschools throughout the MCCSC system.They worked under the supervision ofthe regular classroom teacher, often giving spelling tests or helping out withreading.Array of ActivitiesOccupy Students TimeUpper Left: THE 1972-73 DEBATE TEAM; left to right, FirstRow: Martha Long, Connie Turner, Cathy Hickman. Back Row:Mr. Joel Marsh, Dan Jackson, Ken Yasuda, Todd Stone, JohnSichting, Jim Ridgley.Lower Left: Assisting a third grader with his spelling lesson iscadette teacher Judy Watson.Lower Right: Clark Carrol gives the eighth graders at CentralMiddle School a few pointers on life at BHSS.20 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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