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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1985, Page 80

Description: Commitment to ExcellenceThe Quality of a PersonsLife is in Direct Proportion tohis Commitment to Excellence. Thus reads a signabove the band room door forall who enter to see.If you can work out adiscipline as an art form suchas music, it will help you inother fields, like maturity, explained South band directorJonathan Gurney. This year,the aspect of interscholasticcompetition was deempha-sized.The jazz band performed incontests throughout the year,consistently placing in the topone-third. The symphonic bandreceived a Division I rating, theconcert band was awarded aDivision II at district contest.The concerts were given by thecombined bands this year.CONCERT BAND. FRONT ROW: BradFrankland, Jim Kelley, Casie Baxley,Lisa Boruff, Barbara Anderson, RondaWeaver, Penny Tolliver, David Weaver,Rich Heist, Rick Black. SECOND ROW:Rhonda Johnson, Marie Goodman,Laura Farmer, Vicki Schober, MissyStaum, Andy Granger. RIGHT, FRONTTO BACK: Jay Shelton, Tim Justice,Todd Ayrea, Marc Musa, Troy Dewar,Art Hansen, Scott Carnegie, AndyChandler, Regina Hays.Emphasizing her point, studentteacher Kari Nelson puts Jazz Band Ithrough their paces. Polished performances require many long hours ofpractice.JAZZ BAND II. FRONT ROW: JoshuaStampfli, Mahlik McCluskey. SECONDROW: Marc Adplanalp, AndyTimperman, Arion Meredith, GaryWhitaker, Tom Buffetta, Chris Patton,Kevin Cottrill, Chris Sexton, MikeWaldrip. BACK ROW: Andy Bratlinger,Graham Glander, Jason Publow.According to Gurney, thesolo and ensemble contestsshowed massive improvement over last year, withmany more contestants, including a large number offreshmen. Over 40 studentsparticipated at the districtlevel, with 25 going on to thestate competitions havingearned first place awards.Three students, seniorsHeather Cramer and DavidShuster, and junior Dan Alexander participated in All-Stateband which gave a performance at Butler University.As for fundraisers, Fruitcake is our big deal, commented Gurney, but the bandclasses also held a highly successful raffle, Del Searles,Souths audio-visual supervisor, winning first prize, aVCR.Despite the disappointingabsence of the Music In OurSchools concert this yearbecause of the state Time-on-Task sanctions, 1984-85 wasan exciting year in otherrespects: a band councilrepresenting all classes that,really worked out well thisyear, was formed and performed services such asguiding incoming freshmen;closer ties were formed withinthe music department; and agood working relationshipwith the Indiana UniversityBand Department wasstrengthened with IU guestfaculty working with Southsbands at different timesthroughout the year. A soundworking relationship was alsodeveloped between the bands.80 Bands
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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