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!■■■■■■Holmes: South has defense,depth, competitive yearSouths varsity basketball team, led bynew Panther coach J. R. Holmes, had acompetitive year despite its youth andinexperience, according to Holmes.The team record after the final regularseason game was 8-12.I was not pleased with our record,Holmes said. It should have beenreversed. We lost so many close games.Holmes believes that Souths overallplay in 1982-83 was average. At timeswe did some things well, but there wereseveral games where we lost our concentration, Holmes noted.The Panthers were led by team captains senior John Carlson and juniorDarin Myers, as well as sophomores Andy Walker, Chris Bomba, and TonyJackson and junior Jordy Curts. Holmesconsidered the teams strengths to beboth its depth and its defense. Holmescredited Souths defensive improvementto the efforts put forth by assistantcoaches Criss Byers and Bob Pry or.South had several weak points whichaffected the teams play, however. Ouroffensive play was not very good,although we improved throughout theseason, stated Holmes. He also saidthat other aspects of Souths play, suchas passing, catching, and shooting, werenot up to par. In particular, we encountered an inability to control theTOP RIGHT: Sophomore AndyWalker looks downcourt after pulling down a rebound.MIDDLE RIGHT: Junior MattWisen goes up high to grab a rebound from an opponent.BOTTOM RIGHT: BOYSVARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM.FRONT ROW: Manager NurPremo, John Carlson, TonyJackson, David Pardo, DarinMyers, Jordy Curts, David Lee,manager Mike Todd. SECONDROW: Head coach J. R. Holmes,Bill Beggs, Andy Walker, MattWisen, Chris Bomba, Steve McDay,Jay Bastin, assistant coach BobPryor, assistant coach Criss Byers.ball, the coach noted.Holmes believes that Souths 1982-83record could have been improved onlyby having the players in a weight program and having the gym open for theplayers during the summer.Our best games this year were theTerre Haute South, Columbus East, Columbus North, and Mooresville games,Holmes said. We had to set the ball upfor the shot, although later in the seasonwe worked on the fast break more ....Whether this is to be considered anup or a down year for South basketballdepends on what the fans expected.Weve been very competitive, Holmescontinued. Besides a 71-53 defeat byTerre Haute North, South never lost abasketball game by more than 13 points.In sectional competition South wasdefeated in the first round by Bedford-North Lawrence. South led by as muchas seven points, but the Stars came backto defeat South 39-38.Coach Holmes was cautiously optimistic about the Panthers 1983-84season. He said he had not yet looked into the makeup of next years team.What kind of team South has nextyear, Holmes said, depends on howhard the players work this summer. Thepotential is there; it depends on howmuch desire there is.^~94 Boys Varsity Basketball |
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Bloomington High School South |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.