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113Timothy 86james 96y/yayne 96Andrew 29, 75grel 29. 96friaries 86podney 86james96Kimberly 20, 21,75paul 19.23, 39, 64,141e Dennis 75,153Martha 103.125| Jacob 96jtt. Ricky 86ll(jer. Jane 64&.WM03Un Lori 29. 86In. Elizabeth 29, 96,111,n Timothy 157»rs Shelley-20, 75Brad 10,97,164, 204Melanie 10. 22. 64t,n, Denise 20. 21,75l,n Jenifer 97.122Daryl86.122Philip 86,146]0 Brent 117Eddie 97Kent 86inck. Susan 86, 150,208ter, Thomas 97Lisa24, 26.33. 64T STUDIO 189to. Tern 31, 64, 181Ed 157Roland 64. 135. 157Celeste 86uth86Andrew 97Cheryl 86Danny 97Dennis 126Julie 86Melonee31, 75Stacee97. 122II. Claire 22. 24. 48. 64.Tom 204Edgar 64Julie 86.122Jean 29. 86s.Bryan 63. 64as Darin 97Ras Mary 75fcpson Enc29. 86■pson. Jacqueline 23. 39. 86ppson Patty 64Teresa 86. 122Ipson. Therese 122—*n. lori 97,151Hon. Debra 86iton. James 75her. Dana 27snd.Lisa30. 86. 119, 122Doug 97.177Georgiabel 103, 148, 149, 160, 177irman. Suzanne 30, 75, 122BOOKSTORE 1 79Jier Laura 33. 75Mike 75Kurt 144SHOE STORE 195Tony 75. 125Gregory 7. 36. 37,86r. Athena 65Ronald 97.146.204Gina 97Julia 86.150Mary Jane 21,24, 103James 20, 75Michael 97HORSE 182Karen 23 36, 65ii, Manami 23, 65,123,201Michael 29 75.121. Nathaniel 89. 97. 119, 122, 157Beth 33. 86ood, Lisa 33, 75,111UNIVERSITY SPORTING GOODS 1*Urt, Diane 20. 75VanDeventer, James 25, 75VanOsdol, Jeffrey 24,86,122VanPett, Lesa 65VanPeft, Richard 86VanPett, Robert 29, 97Vaughn, Gina 86Vaught, Geoffrey 65Velasco, Frank 65,114Velasco, Gerald 88,97VIEWPOINT 183Villa-Garcia, Kay 103Vincent, Larry 97Volz, Connie 33,75,148,162Volz, David 34,35,65,204VonPilsen, Joseph 97,146Waggener, Janet 103Waggoner, Lora 86, 148, 149.150Waggoner, Rocky 20,65Wagner, Amy 29, 97Wagner, Andrew 86Wagner, Christy 205WAGNER FURNITURE 195Walcoff. Linda 11, 75Waldon. Toby 20, 75Walker, Martin 144.146Walker, Thomas 153. 204Wall. Sandra 86Wallick, Kimberly 97Walls. Dawna88. 97,151Walters, Jennifer 86,122Walters, Joyce 20, 65Walters, Kellee 86,150Walton, Ronald 104Wampler, Douglas 75.112.117,157Wampler. Mary 97Ward, Susan 33. 86Warthan. Kimberly 86Washel. Stephen 86Waterhouse, Kenneth 152.153, 204Watkins, Christy 30, 75Watson. Mark 164WAYNE GEGGIE MOTORS 182Wayne, John 43Webb, Albert 86Webb, Deanna 31,86Webb. Kent 75.110,121Webb, Mark 24. 65.121,165Webb, Robert 97Webb, Shirley 107Webb. William 103Weddle, Sarah 86Weimer, Linda 66. 121,137.202Weisstein. Cecily 66Welch, Cindy 97Weldon, Kevin 75Wenzel, Debbie 66Wesley, Angela 137,140Wesley, Lucinda 36.37, 66West, Cynthia 27, 76. 86,158, 205West, Susan 23, 39, 66WESTERN SKATELAND 177WESTINGHOUSE 196Whaley. Becky 106Whaley, Gary 97Wheelock, Kelly 68, 75, 123WHIMPLES197White, Anne 75,114,156White. Dennis 66White. Edith 106While, Elizabeth 18, 24, 29, 88, 97,156WHITE HOUSE FLOWERS 181White, Kimberly 87White, Michelle 66, 122,185White, Pamela 97White, Thomas 97, 146,204Whitehead, Michelle 75Whiteman, Roy 106Whitlow, Dawn 33, 97, 151, 205Wiesler, James 75, 117Wikle, Misty 75Wikle, Tamby 20, 31,66Wilber, Lloyd 29, 87Wilbur, Beth 75Wilbur, Jeffrey 87Wilcher, Douglas 75Wiley, Jennifer 97Wiley, Jessica 87, 134,138Wiley. Nancy 29, 97Wiley, Scott 66Wiley, Terisa 87Wilhelm, Catherine 22, 23, 29, 66Wilhelm, Ronald 87Wilkerson, Scott 97Wilkerson, Tony 97Willett, Mike 66. 204Williams, Carol 75,122Williams, Dorothy 107WILLIAMS JEWELRY 197Williams, Matthew 25, 75, 201Williams, Michael 97Williams, Sam 87Williams, Steven 97Williams, Wendy 97, 122Willingham, James 97Wilson, Bradley 87, 204Wilson, Douglas 89Wilson, Elizabeth 97,189Wilson, Fred 146Wilson, Gregory 87Wilson, Jeffrey 20, 66Wilson, Mike 66Wilson, Ronald 75Wilson, Stephanie 87Wineinger, Frank 75Wineinger, Tina 87Wininger, Roberta 75, 201Winold, Bettina 163,205Wisen. Craig 87, 157Wisen. David 66. 157Wisley, Paul 97Wisley, Wendell 129Withnell, Amanda 23Witt, Chris 7, 87, 144,146Wolf, Cammie 20, 31, 66, 197Wood, Arnetta 31,32, 87Woodley, Thomas 75,153. 204Woodward, Andrew 67Wootton, Timothy 87Wopat, Tom 47WORKINGMENS FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN. 198Wright, Paul 29, 67, 121Wright, Robert 87Wright. Sandy 97. 122YYoung, Catherine 34Young, Randall 67, 152, 153, 204Young, Robin 97, 121Young, Sharon 75Young, Shona 87Young, Stacey 30. 33, 97Zebendon, Jane 103Zebendon, Lucy 97,112, 151, 208Zerface, Michael 153ZIEBART 179Ziegler, John 89, 97Ziegler, Marilyn 103, 126Ziemer, Laura 18,61,87Ziemer, William 19, 22, 34, 35, 67Zillmann, Tomas 87Zore, Victoria 29, 97AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the special people who have helpedto make this book possible:Dick Kennard, Sharon Watley, and Newsfoto Yearbooks;Phil Allen, Virgil Parker, and Parker Portraits;Craig Dalrymple, tor cover, end sheet, and division page art;Brad Birch, Ellen Campbell, Beth Clark, Jon Dobbs, DeanaDyer, Ann Georg, Wally Hays, The Herald-Telephone, PaulHickman, Debora Horning, Indiana Daily Student, SarahJacobs, Lloyd Keltner, Lisa Langhoff, Michele Lee, JillLewis, Julie Leyda, Susan Nicholson, Jane Reagan, SarahSalmon, Susie Schornhorst, Jackie Thompson, and DougTidd, for contributing copy, art, photographs, and theirtime;1980 Gothic advertisers;MCCSC and BHS South administration;BHS South faculty, staff, and students.Index/Acknowledgments 215 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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