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South finishes at 5-5, third in conferenceSouth football is a very special thing. It means givingeverything you have to win. It means being proud, winor lose. South football to those who have participated is60 men who have worked together for a common goaland achieved it. I thank God for the opportunity Ive hadto be a Panther.Greg GaitherTOP LEFT: Coach Ted Huber paces thesidelines during a game.TOP RIGHT: Quarterback Billy Campbellchecks his offensive line before callingthe signals.BOTTOM: VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM.FRONT ROW: Stu Smith, Tim Crouch,Kurt Todd, Jim Stafford, Jim Avery, BillCampbell, Greg DeHon, Greg Gaither,Richard Sorrels, Aaron Pettiford, Jim Litz.SECOND ROW: Marty Walker, Don Miller,Steve Gornall, Steve May, Rob Harlow,Brad Hanna, Perry Bruce, Brady Barr,Brad Doll, Kern English, Rod Hackler,Charles Perine. THIRD ROW: ManagerLloyd Keltner, Danny Boruff, Jeff Leisz,Brian McClung, Gary Hawkins, BruceMiller, Joe Bomba, Matt Ellis, ChuckdeMaille, Bill Paxton, Bryan Dudley,student trainer Chris Witt. FOURTH ROW:Greg Smith, Todd Litton, Tom Hoard, JeffEhman, Jesse Phillips, Mark Rodgers,Sean Smiley, Sam Jensen, Everett Polley,Butch Deckard.144 Varsity FootballSouths 1979 football team went 5-5 inregular season play and placed third in theSouth Central Conference.The Panther gridders went 3-1 in their firstfour contests, defeating Bloomington North10-7, Mishawaka Marion 7-0, and Franklin24-22, and dropping a game to Bedford-North Lawrence.The second game of South Central Conference play started a mid-season slump.The Panthers lost the next three.South then snapped the losing streak bysoundly defeating Shelbyville, 28-7. ThePanthers lost to what Huber consialways tough team, Jeffersonvilthen slipped by arch rival Martinsvillein what Huber described as the mosting game of the season.The 1979 team included three Alplayers. Senior Greg DeHon was alsohonorable mention in the state; juniorHarlow and senior Stu Smith received!honorable mention.Huber personally credited senior^Hamilton and Jim Stafford as110 percent at all times. |
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Bloomington High School South |
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