Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1979, Page 136

Description: Plew, RebeckaPowell, RosaliePreus, MichaelPugh, RobertQuakenbush, AnitaEnthusiastic fansprovide team supportWhat makes a good sports fan? All typesof people have all types of ideas.Personally I dont really enjoy sports,but I think a good fan has to be dedicatedand have lots of enthusiasm. First, theyhave to like the sport; then they have toknow how the sport is played and how itworks. They have to know the peopleinvolved and be aware of the injuries andproblems associated with the sport.Another student explained, A good fanis someone who is in it not just for popular-RIGHT: Wild and crazy South fans getrowdy during halftime of the Bedford-North Lawrence game.ity—someone who really enjoys it and is notgoing because everyone else is. A thirdsenior agreed with this: Some people go tothe games just to have somewhere to gowith a date . . . Thats not a real fan.One senior mentioned a good voice anda big mouth as requirements for being agood fan, along with genuine interest, dedication, and enthusiasm. Fans also have tohave strong arms to clap with and wavearound in the air.Fan . . . tastic!Quakenbush, AnnetteReynolds, KimberlyReynolds, WilliamRice, CindyRichardson, ShirleyRiddle, DebbieRitter, RodneyRobertson, DennisRogers, CindyRoper, Rita136 Seniors/Fans
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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