Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1979, Page 64

Description: y. Z&BREgf?-It/ o winning /co/on in anybody/ bookVolleyball has been a fantastic experience, because ireally enjoy team sports. Sure, theres something special about competing individually and receiving, alone,all the credit; but the excitement and unity in a teamsport, the experience of psyching and cheering oneanother up, and the joys of being victorious, to me, areso much more rewarding when they are shared byeveryone. . . I loved every bit of it and wouldnt tradeany for the world.—Lori FarisSouths girls volleyball teams completedthe 1978 season with a loss; but CoachGeorgiabel Tidd said, Its a winning season in anybodys books.The 19-9 record proves it was a winningseason; but the girls are still disappointed, Tidd said. Martinsville endedSouths season in the first round of theEdgewood sectional, 14-5, 12-14,12-14.This years team had many qualities thatTidd could recommend as a formula for awinning team. They were balanced andhighly skilled. They moved well together.They were exciting to watch and great towork with. They responded to whatever wasbeing taught, she said.The main highlight of the season wasthe increased number of matches, whichmade our schedule tougher, Tiddexplained. The teams the Panthers addedon were all top caliber, the coach said.Seven seniors helped the Panthers outthis year. Jane Martin received both thecaptain and B-woman awards. Lori Farisand Daisy Martin were South Central Conference award winners. Jane Henegar, LisaJacobs, Micky Marsischky, and Debbie Riddle were also graduated from this yearsteam.Next year the Panthers will have onereturning starter, Joyce Fleming. Joycewill be very tough on the front line, Tiddsaid.As the 78 season closed, Coach Tiddexclaimed, This was not a season youwould forget.ABOVE: The spirit was high during a verysuccessful volleyball season.RIGHT: VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TEAM.Debbie Riddle, Micky Marsischky, LoriFaris, Jane Henegar, Joyce Fleming,Jane Martin, Daisy Martin, Lisa Jacobs,Coach Georgiabel Tidd.64 Varsity Volleyball
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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