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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1978, Page 223

Description: ■ ■ »iiTaylor, Melanie 27, 104Taylor, Melonee 123Taylor, Pam 93, 137Teng, Patty 19, 52, 93, 95Tennell, Claire 66, 114,146, 147Terrell, Edgar 114Terrell, Greg 104Thomas, Bryan 114Thomas, Danny 104Thomas, Dorothy 76Thompson, Alan 41Thompson, Fred 123, 147Thompson, Leah 23, 104Thompson, Mark A. 94Thompson, Mark Allen 104Thompson, Susie 147Thornton, James 123Thrasher, Edith 61, 83, 139Thrasher, John 104Thrasher, Robert 70Thrasher, Tim 71Tidd, Georgia 48, 49, 58, 59, 83Tidd, Greg 104Tilford, Robyn 94Timperman, Suzanne 53, 123, 145, 147Tischler, Laura 123, 145Tischler, Mark 104Todd, Karla 104, 158Todd, Kurt 44, 114Todd, Roger 104Towns ley, Tony 123Traub, Donald 83Trinkle, Mary Jane 22, 23, 83Trisler, Jim 27, 123Trubitt, Karen 114, 128, 138, 147Tsutsumi, Manami 16, 114Tucker, Pamela 20,102,104Tudor, Jill 104Turpin, Dadra 20, 104Turpin, Ricky 104UUnderwood, Lisa 123Ursa, Diane 114Utt, Diane 123Vandersteen, Paul 40, 41, 123VanDeventer, Jim 123VanPelt, Lesa 20, 123VanValkenburg, Cheryl 94, 192VanValkenburg, Debbie 32, 105VanValkenburg, Jody 12, 60, 123, 147Vaught, Carol 94Vaught, Geoff 114Vaught, Karen 27, 94Vazquez, Nancy 146Veale, Jodi 16, 114, 145, 146Velasco, Frank 114, 132Volz, Connie 49, 60, 123Volz, David 213Vonderschmidt, Jeff 94, 97Vonderschmidt, Paul 80Voyles, Bradley 94WWaggoner, Rocky 114Wagle, Dan 5, 105, 144Walcoff, David 44, 47, 62, 105, 204Walcoff, Linda 120, 123Walden, Roberta 123Waldon, Toby 123Waldon, Vicki 105Waldrip, Susan 94, 205Walker, Marty 123, 144Walker, Tom 83Wall, Wanda 114Walters, Joyce 114Walton, Ronald 4, 70Wampler, Bruce 94Wampler, Douglas 123Wampler, Fredrick 123Wampler, Ted 94Wampler, Wallace 105Ward, Joe 57, 105Washel, Greg 105Waterford, David 105Waters, Jeff 44, 47, 114Watkins, Christy 27, 123Watson, Tonya 165Watts, Emelyn210Watts, Susan 105Webb, Kenneth 105, 144Webb, Kent 123Webb, Larry 44, 62, 105Webb, Mark 114, 144Webb, Shirley 76Webb, Susan 27, 105Webster, Brian 123Weddle, Allan 105Weimer, Linda 16, 144, 145, 147Weimer, Paul 26, 27, 94, 131, 146Weinberg, Michael 94Weisstein, Cecily 114Welch, Ted 27, 123Weldon, Kevin 123Weldon, Kimberly 94Wells, Brian 95Wells, Laura 123Wells, Rick 114Wells, Teresa 22, 95Wendling, Karen 114Wendling, Steven 23, 105Wentworth, Barbara 30, 102, 105, 179Wenzel, Beth 95, 182Wenzel, Debbie 114Wesemann, Tad 95, 152Wesemann, Tod 62, 64,105Wesley, Angela 123Wesley, Lucinda 114West, Susan 18, 66, 114Whaley, Becky 73Whaley, Jeffrey 95Whaley, Leon 71Whaley, Scott 114, 134Whaley, Ted 105, 144, 145White, Anne 52, 123, 144, 145White, Dennis 114White, Edith 77White, Michelle 114, 146, 147, 192White, Stephanie 105, 142, 192Whitehead, Shelly 123Whiteman, Roy 75, 84Wicker, Roger 17, 19,67,95Wiesler, David 105Weisler, James 123, 145Wiggs, Brad 114Wikle, Misty 123Wikle, Tamby 29, 115Wikle, Teresa 28, 29, 32, 90, 94, 95, 207Wilbur, Tracy 105, 201Wilcher, Douglas 123Wilcox, Jill 114Wiley, Scott 114Wilhelm, Catherine 27, 114Wilkerson, Mark 115, 132, 147, 180Wilkinson, Jeffrey 95Willett, Mary 105, 214Willett, Mike 2, 114Williams, Carol 47, 60, 119, 123Williams, Dorothy 76Williams, Kathryn 16,95Williams, Matthew 123Williams, Megan 105Williams, Mid 73Williams, Tammy 95, 143Willison, Vernon 114Wilson, Bill 27, 50, 105Wilson, David 41, 105Wilson, Doug 50Wilson, Jeff 115Wilson, Michael 115Wilson, Ronald 123Wilson, Tanya 76Wineinger, Frank 123Wineinger, Mary 105, 146, 210Wineinger, Nancy 95Wininger, Anne 16, 19, 95, 96Wininger, Roberta 123Winters, Tim 44, 105Wisen, David 115Wisley, Larry 123Wisley, Wendell 123Withnell, Amanda 115Witkiewicz, Gail 18, 95, 132, 156, 157,166, 176Wolf, Cammie 32, 115Woodley, Harold 41, 105,144Woodley, Robert 16, 19, 40, 41, 95, 144, 145, 163Woodley, Thomas 41, 123,212Woods, Dwayne 95Woodward, Andrew 115, 145Wray, Darla 115Wright, Danny 83, 121, 147Wright, Deborah 95Wright, Paul 27, 115, 144Wyman, Kathy 95Young, Katherine 29, 32, 61, 102, 105Young, Marion 70Young, Randall 115, 145Young,Sharon 120Zai, Alex 95Zebendon, Claire 95, 176Zebendon,Jane 77Zerface, Juli 105Zerface, Michael 123Zerface, Terri 22, 34, 95Ziegler, Marilyn 83Ziemer, Bill 6, 115AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the special people who have helped to make this book possible:Dick Kennard, Caryn Truitt, and Newsfoto Yearbooks;Jay Kinzel and Indiana School Pictures;Mike Preus, for the cover art;Mickey Feaster, Jeff Harding, The Herald-Telephcne, Debora Horning, Karin Preus, Scott Schomacker, Bob Schutte, Mike Staver,and Paul Strain, for contributing photographs:;Cathy Armer, Elizabeth Burke, Kim Emery, Ramsay Harik, Lor Hattery, Jill Lewis, Rita Malicoat, Mary Pardo, Sandeep Puri, SarahSalmon, Dave Scanzoni, Arvid Spiekermann, Pam Stewart, Debbie Van Valkenburg, and Brad Wiggs, for writing copy;1978 Gothic advertisers;MCCSC and BHS South administrators;BHS South faculty, staff, and s+udents.Index 223V-.<■■-:■ -
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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