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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1978, Page 206

Description: Cooper takes lead in George M./George M., a musical play based onthe life of George M. Cohan, was presented by the South music and theatredepartments after only two months ofpreparation due to the energy crisis.The parts of the Cohan family wereportrayed by Keith Cooper, as GeorgeCohan; Sam Sipes, his father; Ruth Dickerson, his mother; Allison Rogers, hissister; Allison Gorham, his first wife; andKim Weldon, his second wife.Mary Forester was the theatrical director, Danny Wright was the musical director, and Randi Lavelle was the choreographer for the play.Managing the show along with Forester, Wright, and Lavelle were studentdirectors Beth Applegate, Glen Matlock,and Heather Pollock.The show included 46 chorus members, 12 dancers, six principal cast members, and 22 orchestra members.Attendance for the three showings wasclose to 1900. The approximate production cost was $3700.Theatre South is usually financed onlythrough the box office. This year, however, the theatre group also received agrant from the MCCSC Foundation.Thespians has been an honor groupsince the arrival of Forester, who decidedto make it a senior honor group in aneffort to make theatre at South open tostudents at all levels.Membership is earned with 30 points,20 in acting and 10 in technical work. Astudent receives one point for every 10hours of work done.Thespians are a part of the NationalHonor Society of Theatrical People. The1977-78 Thespians are Keith Cooper,Ruth Dickerson, Allison Rogers, KimWeldon, Eric Mielke, Beth Paurazas, Betsye Hoff, Bruce Robinson, and TeresaWikle.LEFT: George M. Cohan (Keith Cooper) Keith Cooper, and Allison Gorham sing George M. finish a scene.sings his way to fame and fortune. about the phases of marriage.TOP RIGHT: Ruth Dickerson, Sam Sipes, BOTTOM RIGHT: Chorus members of206 Theatre South/Thespians
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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