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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1978, Page 6

Description: GOOD 01/ SIIAl A\i:iM IA\A winding, wet, rapid ride which endswith a splash — hydrosliding becamequite popular last summer.Many enjoyed horseback riding, soccer, tennis, waterskiing, sailing, swimming, and, of course, acquiring the deepest possible suntan.Days and weeks were spent out oftown traveling the United States andabroad.Summer jobs were also a popular wayof spending time. They offered thechance of increasing ones educationwhile contributing funds for college,cars, clothes, and savings.Athletic teams—such as cross country, soccer, boys tennis, football, andgirls volleyball—began practicing.Jamboree night brought everyonetogether again. Saying goodbye to summer, South students greeted the oncoming school year, once again trading lazyafternoons for heavy books and longassignments.TOP LEFT: Bill Ziemer helps his fatherput their boat, Tachyon, on Lake Monroefor a summer afternoon of racing.RIGHT: Taking time out from her summer job, Anita Quakenbush takes a quickride down the hydroslide.BOTTOM LEFT: As the sea rolls in, a Florida native welcomes Northerners onvacation.* ■*=.. - ..-£-, .m*J^^Bfeg^flPI.WjjJf*rWm0I«fc**st6 Opening
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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