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It is better to keep your mouth shut andappear stupid than to open it andremove all doubt. Andy Strawn (Math)believes in this philosophy by MarkTwain. Strawn is working his waythrough parenthood.Bill Stucky (Science) builds and flies radio-controlled airplanes. He has alsotraveled around the U.S. in hismotorhome.Charles Swander (A-V)If more people were photographers, theworld would be a better place, saysGary Sweatmen (Special Education). Heloves photography, especially of isolatedparts of the world.Terry Thompson (Health and PE) coachesfootball and wrestling and is aCincinnati Reds fan. Thompson alsolikes spending time in the country.Judy Torvie (Girls Sports Director, Health,and PE) enjoys athletics, reading,camping, and skiing.Betty Treisback (Business) sings with awomens barbershop group and enjoysdomestic hobbies like needlework,embroidery, and macrame.Jim VanOsdol (Science) has a son at Southand is the senior class sponsor and FCAsponsor. Mr. Van also jogs severaltimes a week.Thomas Walker (Vocational) is interestedin antique automobiles, photography,and boating.Since he is a romantic at heart, Pat Walsh(Social Studies) likes old movies andrelaxing in front of the fireplace. He alsospends his summers at the beach andlikes birdwatching.Ken Webb (Vocational)If you want the work done, ask the busyman, the other has no time. Pat Wilson(Social Studies) believes in this quote.Volunteer work, golf, and ceramics areinterests of hers also.Mike Wood (Math) collects and restoresCovaif Corvettes and he presently ownsseven. He is also the boys tennis coach.Known as the Big Bad Wolf to his students,Billy Woolf (Vocational) is active in thechurch and around the farm.Jim Wright (Math)Helen Wyluda (Science) writes the facultynewsletter Little Nothings. Herhobbies are soccer, sailing, andpainting.Linda Zager (Vocational) entered her firstrunning race last July 4th. After runningone and a half miles it hook her a weekto recooperate!Like father, like son, at the National HonorSociety induction. Daddy Lee gives Tonya taste of the high school life. |
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Bloomington High School North |
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