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0159_Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1980, Page 155

Description: Sandy Cole (Special Education) has beenteaching for six years. She enjoys her dog,Lake Monroe, and her husband.Sherry Counts (English) enjoys reading,cooking, hiking, and learning. She caresabout people, the environment, language,and the future. Counts also considers herself a feminist.Ron Crowe (Science) is the boys freshmanbasketball coach and varsity baseballcoach.Judy Daerr (English) likes to travel, read,and sew. She is also trying to imporve herskills at refinishing furniture and wallpapering.Karen Davis (Nurse) enjoys traveling totrack and cross country meets with herfamily.Sailing, ice skating, I.U. basketball andfootball games are interests of Jim Diana,(Counselor).Loren Donica (Social Studies)Mark Dorn (Fine Arts) is currently workingon his Masters Degree at I.U. He is also aGreen Bay Packers fan and a weekend tennis player.Traveling and reading are French-bornMargot Dowlings (Foreign Language)favorite things to do.Margaret Duvall (Math) is the girls gymnastics coach.Bill Elkins (Social Studies) is a sports fanand he loves to play golf.Joy Etcheson (Math)Marge Faber (Social Studies) loves singing, camping, hiking, and gardening. Shealso enjoys sewing, knitting, and cooking.Although he seems to never have time,Ron Faultless (Industrial Arts) enjoyssports, reading, and making things withhis hands.George Fieldings (Counselor) summeractivities include house painting, golfing,and traveling in his recreational vehicle.Fielding is also the girls golf coach.Eugene Fowler (Vocational)Bill Frohliger (Athletic Director of BoysSports)Joanne Frye (English)Don Fulk (Business) fishes in Canada andhunts in Kansas and both North and SouthDakota. In Indiana, he hunts small game.Clarence Gillium (Social Studies) likes toread and watch sports in his spare time.155
Collection: Bloomington High School North

Further information on this record can be found at its source.