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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2018, Page 98

Description: BASEBALLBE a record setterThe captain is elected by his teammateson the baseball team, so whats a goodqualification? How about the guy whosplayed for for three years, since freshmanyear? And, only varsity? Thats how the teamchose their man.Its a big honor, Junior BenFreel said. In those three varsityyears, hes played all around thediamond.Im kind of a utility guy, kindaplay everywhere. Right now, Implaying some third base, but Iveplayed second base and shortstop,he said.Just to be on the field is a bigdeal, too, as he broke his foot andthen had surgery on March 30th. Hesays all of this so casually, it makesyou wonder if hes ever broken asweat. At his first time at bat after surgery,Freel scored a double with three RBIshelping North beat Perry Meridian.Our winning streak, we got up to 13,which is the second in school history, hesaid. Theres no secret to their success.Everyone on the team just enjoys eachother, Freel said, so when we go out on wejust have fun. It helps that were a talented3roup.Some of his pals are fellow juniors,Harry Deliyannis and Dylan Steele who allstarted freshman varsity, too.Expect the Cougars to leverage theirlent well into next year, too.We have a real big, strong junior class;we have ninejuniors, rightnow. Were atight group ofjuniors, hesaid. Maybewe can carryour team toState Championship, nextyear.No sweat.98Riley Gallagher (1Sam Weger (12)SAYTOtt^Ben Freel (11layout by Bella Lear
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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