Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2017, Page 240

Description: YEARBOOK STAFFStaff: Jeremy Schneider, Marlee Wilson, Bailey Gardner, Anna Raphael, Kloandra Chuke, AlainaDavis, Catherine Barker, Averyl Perry, Lillian Terrell, Paige Osborne, Emma Alexander, HannahJohnson, Sophie Young, Allyson Johnson, Rachel Crabtree, Hannah May, Ellen Willibey, MadelineGraf, Mary Kathryn Doyon, Jamin Lynn, Yearbook Advisor Juliana Crespo (not pictured).Last Words from Your EditorsEvery year is different. No matter how many yearbooks weveworked on, each one sets itself apart, and working on them nevergets old. Each school year brings new students, new events, andfresh new ideas for innovative ways to cover these students andevents. This is our final year as part of the yearbook staff, and thisyear has been the best way to end our high school experience. As wefinished up this year, putting the final touches on our book providedclosure and a way to reflect on all of our memories at this school. Ithas been a privilege to tell not only our story through this book, butall of your stories and the stories of people all over the world as well.We thank you for helping us create this yearbook by submitting yourdrawings, artwork, photography, words, and opinions. Thank you tothe rest of our staff, who have been hardworking and dedicated topreserving this year between these pages. And finally, thank you toour amazing advisor, Juliana Crespo, who has been open to newideas and is always trying to improve the quality of our work. Wewould not be where we are without her. It has been a pleasureworking with and learning from her.-Anna Raphael and Sophie Young240Q&A with theYearbook StaffWhat have you enjoyed most aboutyearbook for the time you have been on it?Why have you stayed?Sophie: I really like doing something for theschool and interacting with people I wouldntnormally interact with.Anna: I really like to capture entire schoolyear in book because you get to talk to morepeople and get a better sense of who youregoing to school with.What are your plans for next year?Sophie: Im going to Colorado College inColorado Springs, Colorado.Anna: Im going to St. Olaf College inNorthfteld, Minnesota.What was your favorite beat to work on thisyear?Lily: Girls volleyball because we knoweverybody because we used to play. There wasa new coach this year so it was interesting tosee the change.Jamin: Girls golf because they got to ride in agolf cart.Emma: I really liked working on the adsbecause we were able to design and place theadvertisements that businesses bought todonate money to the yearbook. I likeddesigning them and working on the pages andjust working on the overall design.What was your biggest challenge cominginto yearbook that you didnt expect?Rachel: Putting the story together becausesometimes its hard to get people out [of class]and get them to say a quote you can really usein the story.Emma: I thought my biggest challenge wasgoing to be being creative enough but reallythe hardest thing has been doing things withthe quotes that some people give you. It ishard, sometimes, to piece together the quotespeople give you.Did you receive any opportunities that youotherwise would not have been able toparticipate in through yearbook that youwould like to share?Rachel: I never would have thought to go tosome of the sports games before so it was acool experience to see all the different sportsand activities people participate inEmma: Talking to a lot of people has reallyopened my eyes to the community at theschool in a way I wouldnt have gotten toexperience.
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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