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This is . ..Powderpuff tickets on sale now, buy them fromany junior class officer. Buy in advance and save.An announcement barely heard, as powderpuffmania began the day before the game.Senior puffers could be seen dashing around thehalls in last years Juniors t-shirts with maskingtape slogans like Junior Destroyers and PMT(Pretty Mean Team) on their rear ends. Some anti-junior and anti-senior chants could be heard, but thereal battle of lung power and stamina would comethe next day.At about 6 a.m., half asleep junior puffers gathered at Bonanza for the annual pre-game breakfast,while the seniors dined at Big Wheel.In decorated cars and high spirits, puffers proceeded to WTTS radio station for an invasion ofMighty Mikes domain and an audio advertisementfor their cause. The end of the mornings activitiesfound junior and senior powderpuffers screamingwildly in the commons area before the first bell.Finally the end of the day came, team pictureswere taken, tensions were mounting and stomacheschurned. The juniors and seniors would soon faceeach other on the North football field at 7:30 p.m.Thursday, September 20, 1979.1) Deanna Coffield, left, and Jane Mercer, right, show their spirit during practice.2) The senior team waits anxiously for the end of the game with theirvictory over the juniors 16-6.3) Barb Westlake, senior, readies herself for the next play as part ofthe senior defense.4) Catlin Barnes models the clothing for the day of the game: t-shirts(team t-shirts of course) and blue^ |
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Bloomington High School North |
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