Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2015, Page 158

Description: Give Chinaa Chancephoto and story / Anna RaphaelMany people dream of traveling the world. Fewactually can say they have done it. Sophomore CoreySchultz-Bever is one of those few.He had the opportunity to travel to China with hisfamily after spending a semester living in Lawrence,Kansas last summer. Schultz-Bever spent two weekstraveling the historic country, visiting the Great Wall ofChina and the Forbidden City.Its a Chinese Palace, but its called the ForbiddenCity because it was only for royalty when theemperors occupied it, Schultz-Bever said.While Schultz-Bevers parents were visiting forconferences, the sophomore was interested in the newculture he was being immersed in. He noticed manydifferences between the American culture to which hewas accustomed and the foreign traditions hediscovered while in China.He enjoyed trying new foods presented to him,though not all of them agreed with him. However, healso felt out of place sometimesdue to his appearance.A lot of people stared at me in China because Imwhite, and Im five inches taller than everybody,Schultz-Bever said.Additionally, while visiting, Schultz-Bever noticedsome unsatisfying differences in plumbing.We stayed in a five star hotel, and we stayed therebecause it was the only place that had normal toilets.Most Chinese toilets you just have to squat above ahole, Schultz-Bever said.Though Schultz-Bever had to endure strange toilets,unappealing foods, and strange looks, he said he stillhad the adventure of a lifetime.Dylan Carmichael |Claire Carney J Jf^PKKyrese Claybrook-BrownParker CoffeySean Coleman158/
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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