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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2015, Page 115

Description: / photo by Evan De StefanoCONQUERING THECOURT WITH FRESHMANMAC ROGERSWhat were some personal and teamgoals for the season?We definitely want to beat South. My personalgoal is to get back and play in sectionals. As awhole, we want to do well in sectionals andadvance. We have a legitimate chance ofwinning this year.What is your role on the team?I think now its a leader. I contribute in ways likepicking up balls at practice, to make us more timeefficient. The little things go a long way.What is the hardest part of practice?I live and breathe tennis. Over the summer I wasplaying six and seven hours a day. I have to haveiimits to what Im doing now because of my back.I have to be patient since it is a long term injury.What do you look forward to as theseason progresses?I look forward to getting back on the court andplaying in matches. I look forward to gettingcloser to the guys I dont know as well.\113
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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