Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2012, Page 237

Description: Joanne Frye, 1975John Portle, 1975Pat Wilson, 1975Over the years my students have beenmy teachers. They have given me theopportunity for life work that is aboutsomething much more than a financialbottom line. Watching students learn andmature - seeing them become betterthinkers and learners - watching themmeet challenges that in some cases meanovercoming enormous obstacles andknowing that I am in some way helpingthem on their way, there is satisfaction andjoy in that. And some pretty good laughs.My students have contributed so much towho I am. And, like anything else in life,there are those that I havent succeededwith, but I have learned from them, too.Failure can be a powerful teacher, just nota pleasant one.The diversity, and its been this way for 40years. You will have students in the classthat have a very large background. Thereisnt one group of students that runsNorth. Weve got small groups all over theplace and in the classroom they all worktogether with mutual respect. Occasionallywe have problems, but it doesnt happenoften. Just that diversity is really whatI think makes North. I like the fact thatthey are creative just in the way that theydress; there is the typical college prepdress, punk, rock and all different types.You see this in their attitudes toward life;you see this in the way they respond toquestions and what they bring to class.Just again, its the diversity that I enjoyhaving at North.Watching my students achieve theirgoals over time and staying in contactwith me to continue to share theirstruggles and successes. We continue toget better at building community. Theysee new possibilities, new opportunitiesand challenges and take responsibilityto find solutions that improve the humancondition. Their attributes, talent andaccomplishments inspire me everyday. Iam blessed to work with such outstandingpeople everyday. Enthusiasm, energyand a positive attitude are essentialdispositions for establishing andmaintaining a classroom where learning isthe norm. North is a place where diversityis truly honored and celebrated. We are allthe teachers. We are all the students.Makna North specialJoanne Frye, John Portle and Pat Wilson have beenat North since the front doors opened in 1972. Theyshare their thoughts on their students, staff and school.I would probably drinkcoffee; I cant livewithout it.-Nathan MroeatrI would probably just be tardya lot. But thats just becauseIm late for everything.-Natasha RoeI think the rules here are really laxed.Compared to my old high school whereI had to wear a uniform. We couldnthave a cell phone out at all. For me,the rules are very..understandable.We have rules here? Iwould run in the hallways.-£rnie ClarkProbably the one that is broken dailyin my class, texting. Its probably theeasiest rule to break.-Clara GarciaI would probably break the closedcampus rule. I would love to gosomewhere for lunch.-Math/ Loser
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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