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id1 1■unaaolOn the last day of drivers education atBloomington Driving School sophomoreSummer Adamson focuses on the videoRed Asphalt. I had heard we did a lotof reading form my friends, but I didntexpect all the quizzes, said Adamson.Photo by Kylee DeWittwas the day before his 16 th birthday, and all■ through the night, dreams of a license drivethrough his mind. He was nesded all snug andcomfy in his bed, with visions of sports carsidancing in his head... not quite, this 16-year-ld boy, along with all other teenagers, wont be getting,js license for 180 more days.In 2010, a set of new driving laws were passed, mostof them affecting teenagers. These laws included statements raising the ininimum age for the issuance oflearners permits and probationary operators licenses.Drivers education teacher, Vicki Waltz, knows theselaws were changed because of a rise in teenage accidents, but she feels this isnt the most effective way toreduce these accidents.My opinion on the laws in effect right now is thatthey are not productive, Waltz said. Drivers education institutes tried to tell [the Indiana state senate] thiswas not the way to reduce teen accidents. We have kidsright now that if they stay legal, they cannot drive tounior prom with a date.Sophomore Burt Bloom direcdy experienced thefects of these laws. Though his birthday is August 6,le didnt get his license until February 25. He felt thatlaving to wait for his license was very inconvenientind unbeneficial.The reason why drivers get into crashes in their firstix months is [because] they are inexperienced, Bloomaid. Six months wont help. [The Senate] should golack to the old way.itory by Shannon Jagernan |
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Bloomington High School North |
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