Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2011, Page 137

Description: Lain^- _^ jt- Students from truck row tell it like^JLf § § ^L^mmmmm it is when it comes to loitering, andmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw ^^^^myLowefLot y ac yiPreparing for the truck pull in lower lot, senior Doug Routen reves his engine in anticipation. We have fun doing random stuff like that,Routen said. Tve done a truck pull many times before, I win sometimes, it all just depends on who Im pulling.Photo by Jordan BarkerSenior Ethan Barrow is one of themany students that, as some wouldsay, lives in lower lot. He belongsto the group of students that park in whatis known as truck row the first row oflower lot. This tradition has been aroundfor many years and Barrow and the restof the group, now mosdy comprised ofjuniors and seniors, are set on keeping thename strong.Everyone tbinks were getting inrouble, Barrow said. But really, werenot doing anything. Were just talking andhaving fun.The group expands past just the guysthat drive their big-wheeled boy toys toschool. Theyve extended their group tothe people that park along the side ofthe lot, as well. Senior Morgan Manson isincluded in that group.Were a big group of friends, prettymuch a family, Manson said of the group.Just hanging out is a good way to unwindafter school.One would think that during the summer,the group would go their separate ways,only to be joined again by the start of thenext school year. Last summer, that was notthe case.Over the summer we would get a biggroup of people together and head toWalmart or the parking lot behind Noodlesand just hang out there, senior HannahKnowles said.We travel in a pack of 30 ormore cars and we iust hang out or go outEvery once in a while on the hollowedgrounds of lower lot, a dispute will breakout about whos truck is the best. In thatcase, a truck pull is needed to determinethe best of the bestSomeone says their truck is better, so wetake em down to lower Cascades to findout, junior Clayton McCammon said.McCammon has been spending his after-school time in lower since his freshmanyear. Truck pulls once occurred in lowerlot, but since the group has often gottenin trouble, they moved the competition tolower cascades. The boys say its all in thespirit of fun.Its just something fun we do, McCammon said. Tts just for bragging rights,really.Truck pulls dont happen often, butwhen they do, its a big deal, Barrow said.Theres always a different winner, no one isundefeated.This year, there has been a ban on loitering before and after school. This wouldmean that the guys in lower lot would haveto go straight into school when they arrivedat school in the morning and leave direcdyafter school, but Barrow was confident thatthere would be no change in the groupshangout times.Tm going to do it anyway, Barrow said.Tm not doing anything wrong. Im justhanging out with my friends.uaB
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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