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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2009, Page 46

Description: For the Foreign Language Food Festival,sophomore Emily Kathman prepared baklava, atraditional Greek dessert. She said people reallyenjoyed the event. I know I ran out of food byB lunch, it went so well, Kathman said. She alsosaid she enjoys Latin because of the simplicity ofthe language and that it is only read and written.influences\Mzstudents started theirvacation, McDaniel pre-y Y pared for her seven-week-long trip to Ovideo, Spain through the IUHonors Foreign Language Program. This studyprogram allows students interested in a foreign language to spend the summer in a foreign country learning about the language.Acceptance into the program is a long process that includes an application, recommendation letter and an interview with the creatorof the program, Jacqueline Danner.Before the trip to Spain, McDaniel had difficultly with Spanish verb patterns and formingsentences on the spot. However, after the first48 hours, she was able to put together Spanish sentences with proper structure.Its sort of like when you look at the writingsection of the PSAT and they ask you to lookfor the error in the sentence and you go withthe one that sounds right. Now I can do thatwith Spanish because I now know what soundsright, McDaniel said.McDaniel also learned new vocabulary byhearing people speak Spanish around her.Another aspect of the IU Honors ForeignLanguage Program was experiencing the culture of another language. McDaniel lived witha host family during her stay. Her host, Maria Jose Vitero Fernandez, took McDaniel onexcursions around the province in which shelived, Asturias.They really wanted to show the sites andshow where they lived, McDaniel said.McDaniel went to the beach, a Euro Cupparty, and a Saints Day festival. The SaintsDay festival was to celebrate the patron saintwith music and carnivals.While the festivals and parties were fun,the memories that stick out for McDaniel aremore personal.The best moments were the little ones. Myroommate, Taylor, brought Uno and played itwith my host mom and Rosa [a family friendof the host mom]. They had a blast.For McDaniel, her summer in Spain was certainly worthwhile.It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life; it not only helped me learnSpanish but also about myself.By: KelseyMcNeillii It wasone of themost incredibleexperiences ofmy life. »a 46 a cultural educationD
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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